Chapter 10- Ending

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"Halloween! Boxer and his army have been seen in the Arizona Desert."

"Coming!" Hally called out adjusting her armour and pulling off the eraser from her pencil-scythe.

"Mom wait!" Soledad called out rushing towards her mom. She was wearing the RoundHead helmet and some scrap armour she found in the attic, with her sword on her belt.

"Soledad, you aren't coming." Hally said firmly.

"Yes I am."

"Don't worry, Nicholas and I will look after her." Menorah promised.

"Take care of her, my daughter's life is in your hands." Hally warned.

"Now Soledad, if you are hurt. Tell them right away, there is no small wounds." Hally warned her.

"Yes mom."

"Be safe my blazing sun." Hally whispered kissing her daughter on her forehead.

"Let's go." Hally ordered as all the holidays cleared out and started taking their preferred modes of transportation to the battle grounds. The air was humid and not a human soul was within sight. Hally, George and Cat were in the front lines.

"Hally, what have we gotten ourselves into?"

"Hey, we're in this together. Skeletal sisters?" Hally asked holding up her fist.

"Skeletal sisters." Cat agreed as they bro fisted.

"Here they come." George said pointing at the shadows walking towards them. The sky got dark and the ground around their ankles was covered in a thick fog. Soledad was in the back, standing between Menorah and Nicholas. Her hand gripping her sword's hilt tightly. The other holidays all walked forward in rows, Hally recognized Hog, Lab, Len and Flag walking in the front with cold expressions on their faces. When they stopped, three people walked through the crowd and stood before them. April and Gaia were the first to emerge and when they stopped moving, Boxer appeared between them.

"Hello Halloween."

"We meet again, Boxer." Hally replied icily.

"No need to be so rude, after all we are 'good' friends now aren't we Hally?" Boxer asked smirking.

"We are not friends, you are a monster."

"And you aren't? How cute! But my army knows of your cruelty Hally, they know of who and what you are. It is clear that the true monster is you. And you know why? Because you let that brat of yours live in a world of fantasy, in reality you are nothing but a, Scared. Little. Girl." Hally couldn't take the insults and ran for him, weapon drawn. The battle was on. Soledad ran, searching for her mother. When she found her, she watched as Boxer pulled out a staff.

"Time to meet your maker!" He yelled pointing it at Hally, she watched in horror as a red beam shot out the staff and it absorbed all of Hally's power. Hally fell onto her back, the colour lost from her hair and eyes. She laid there in the sand to weak to move and too weak to fight back. Boxer pointed the staff at all the holidays and stole all their essence.

"Haha! I have won! Without your holidays, you are weak!"

"Boxer! We fought with you!" Gaia managed to call out.

"And what fools you were! I wasn't doing this for you, I was doing this for me. Now all of humanity shall bow down to my will and I will become the God of my kingdom! At last, all the power in the world, is MINE!" He started to laugh until he noticed Soledad.

"Looks like I won't be needing you either!" He roared pointing the staff at her but it didn't work.

"Huh? What is this?!" He demanded yelling.

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