chapter one: crisis or nonsense

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A/N: before we get started i just wanted to make it clear i barely know who jack gilinksy and jack johnson are so yeah i thought I'd clear that up lol oh and if i call them like "other jack" i refer to jack j okay bye enjoy. lamp


Obama's pov

Im in the white house looking through emails and paper work when someone bursts through the dark wood doors. I immediately look up and see a man has opened the door but is struggling with the body guards.

He's shouting "Mr. President! Mr. President! The worlds at stake!" He keeps shouting, pleeding for the security to let him go. The doors shut and it's quiet again for another 10 minutes untill i see joe biden my bestfriend (lol what the frick am i writing) come towards me with an anxious expression.

"Barrack it's something serious, there seems to be a crisis happening. There's been word of this... this lamp nonsense, we followed up on it and our leads traced back to these two teens from Oklahoma (arent they from Oklahoma idk) I deem it as a serious matter i think we should really investigate on this situation," Joe finished, leaving me to be momentarily speechless but cleared my throat soon after.

"I'll get right onthe case and get the fbi to help work with us on the case, see if this is a national issue. Though we need to take it into our own hands and make sure none of the citizens of this country be harmed," I tell him, he nods and leaves the way he came. I grab my office phone and make a few important calls....



I do not know what the president does (im 15 and i dont know what they do dear lord) so i just made a lot of this stuff up lol okay


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