chapter nine: zaughty fight

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sausage p.o.v

I was taking pictures with my best friend zayn on my mac book using them amazing filters that compliment my face when zayn spoke up.

"I miss louis" he whispers, voice somewhere else while he looks up. Voice showing regret and sadness. Why is he sad? He has me.

"Why are you sad? You have me," i repeat my thoughts with a burrito grin. Louis sucks (lol) why does he miss him when im all he needs.

Zayn seems fed up with me, he rolls his eyes and gets up from where we were sitting and turns to me, anger coloring his face.

"I don't want you!" He yells, "Because of you i lost someone who meant so much to me! We're not friends you fat joke!! Why don't you take my nokia brick to record some of ur shit SoundCloud music! Don't speak to me untill you get ur burrito head out of your burrito ass!"

He's done for, storming towards the door, before he closes the door he turns to me in a grave voice saying, "Zaughty is over, Shahid," He grins at the last word then slams the door.

I spend the rest of the day in my room crying my burrito tears, when i start to get hungry i eat the burritos I've cried out.

Is all this worth it? Is my life worth living? Is working for tinker gonna do any good for me? ... Am i good for me?


(its 2:26 am and im wide awake so i thought "why not update" so hope ya enjoed this shit)


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