chapter six: asshole jack

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I got inspiration from something on tumblr at first but then it went out of hand and this happened.

Other Jack (Gilinksy) pov

I was sitting on a chair on my iphone being an asshole when suddenly i remembered something from earlier today.


I noticed louis, he was reading near a window and thats when i noticed his scruff i wanted that so bad. I want to be louis (tomlinson) Obama.

i smirked; i opened the twitter app typing in

I wish i could grow scruff like @Louis_Tomlinson :/

Instantly I got replies saying things like

Your hairs enough you don't wanna look worse

Who are you again

Nash grier i love you! <3 love from Brasil!


I love my fans <3

While i was scrolling through twitter i got a incoming facetime call from "BEARD" i accepted and madison was on my screen.

"Who are you again?" I say to the screen, bored.

She screams, annoyed, "oh my god jack1!1!!1 why are you so rood to me1!!1, i wanted to tell you that my dad bought paparazzi to follow me and make me look famous1!1!!1 i wanted you to come over here so i can rub it in all your fans faces that we're together too1!1!1" she tells me, i didn't even listen.

"Okay Madeline-"

"-its madison"

"Yeah whatever," i pause," i don't really care about your life right now, im kinda dealing with stuff so i can't talk byeeeeeee" i hang up on her, and roll my eyes while throwing my phone onto the table infront of me, doesn't she realize she's just my beard? Jeez.

I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPEND AND I MADE JACK GAY ALL OF A SUDDEN NEEDIN A BEARD LOLOL. Okay whatevs enjoy i guess. Soz i made jack super ,eugh.


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