chapter three: jack & other jack

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A/N: this story brings me so much joy

Louis' pov

Barrack, Joe and I have finally landed in Oklahoma and just checked into our hotel. We're surounded by the computer looking at all the stuff we've found on the case.

Apparently these two teens Jack Gilinksy and Jack Johnson are who the people are getting suspicious about. We've watched clips of videos where they talk about lamp and we realized it's really serious. All day and night we've researched on lamp and soon come to the conclusion that they are actually very valuable to the human race, not a threat.

We send this information to the fbi so they are caught up with us and start going on the hunt for the jacks.


Finally after hours we believe we've found the residence of the jacks, we knock on the door and wait.

"What do we do if we can't find them?" I ask the unspoken question.

"We'll find them Lou, we will," Joe tells me and then the door opens...

LITTLE BIT OF A CLIFF HANGER. And really short chapter oop


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