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  • Dedicated to Olivia Childs

If you looked at me for the first time, you wouldn’t think I'm crazy. To people, i just look like a sixteen year old highschool girl. So you’d believe me when I say “I'm normal.” And you would trust me, would you not?

A long time ago I thought I was normal, too. And now I'm here- stuck in this dark cell, listening to the others screaming, and staring at the white walls until i fall asleep.

To be honest, I’ve lost track of time, I can’t tell day apart from night any more, not even when I'm outside. It’s all the same to me.

Maybe I am crazy, maybe their accusations were right. I am, after all, in an insane asylum. It’s not like I have a way out, not like I can call my mom and ask her to pick me up like I did when I was stuck at school and didn’t have a ride. She hates me; she would never come back for me.

She won’t come back because I'm the kind of crazy you can’t fix, not with medication, nor therapists. Not when I’ve been scarred so deeply that I have random fits of rage and attack orderlies when they try to help me or tell me what to do.

You can’t be fixed when you’ve seen what I’ve seen, not when it breaks you so far apart from yourself that you see things every night that aren’t really there.

When I was being accused of these awful things, back when I was “normal”, I told myself it wasn’t true, I told myself that it wasn’t my fault, it was her and that dumb cats fault.

So you can keep telling yourself that it’ll never happen to you, that you’ll forever keep your sanity.

Go ahead, that’s what I did.

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