Chapter Eight

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        I sat there, annoyed by the constant handshaking of people walking by, feeling sorry for me. After all, I had lost the perfect sister; the better half of me.

             I was fairly annoyed, especially when harmony’s friends began to arrive. They all walked past her body at the front, staring at her pale face.

             I hadn’t dared myself to go up and look at her cold lifeless body. I was afraid that she’d open her eyes and give me that deadly glare that she had given me when I was dreaming about her the other night.

             They all shook my hands as they walked past. None of them even bothered looking at me in the eyes. They all silently walked passed, looking down at their feet. I made sure to glare at every one of them, hoping that they felt awkward. None of them really even liked her in the first place... they didn’t deserve to call themselves my sister’s friends.

             “Sweetie, have you even bothered to look at your sister one last time?” my mom asked as she sat next to me. I shook my head stubbornly, I didn’t want to.

             “It’s going to be the last time you’ll ever get the chance to see her,” she persuaded.  No its not, I thought. I know I’ll still see her in my dreams, er, I mean nightmares. She’s always there, and if not, then the other girl is there instead.

             “I just don’t want to,” I frowned. She glared at me angrily. Oh, now I get it... she wasn’t suggesting that I go see my sister; she was demanding that I go and see her.

              I stood up unwillingly and began to walk forwards with my mom staring me down the entire way there. I slowly glanced into the casket and looked at her. She seemed peaceful, her eyes now closed, her mouth lifted into a small smile. She looked nothing like the girl we found in the closet, she looked horrified when we first found her. Now, she looked like she didn’t have a care in the world.

              You could still slightly see where she had been hit in the head. The makeup hadn’t quite done its job in hiding her injuries.

              I shuttered when I remembered the look of her terrorized face and the blood dripping from her head. The sound of her cold and lifeless body falling to the floor would be forever etched in my memory.

              For a second I thought that Harmony had begun to move inside of her casket. I stepped back in fear that she would wake up and attack me or something. But as I begun to stare at her in anticipation I realized that she would probably never wake up or even open her eyes for that matter.

               I walked back to my seat quickly and sat down.

               “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” my mom smiled at me. I frowned, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty bad.

               “I guess,” I lied. The room was empty for a while and we all sat quietly, until someone familiar walked into the room. He stared down at harmony and then walked over to me. I smiled softly as he held out his hand for me to shake.

               “Sorry for your loss, Mel,” Matt apologized. He pulled me up into a hug and I could already feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I pulled away, realizing that it would be embarrassing if I started to bawl my eyes out in front of both Matthew and my own mother.

              He noticed the tears and smiled at me. I sat down and looked away out of embarrassment.

              “Anyways, I’ll see you at the funeral tomorrow,” he said with pressed lips. 

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