Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to Olivia Childs

So this chapter is going to be written by my good friend Olivia, my new co-writer... i've found that im much too busy lately so i need a co-writer! So im dedicating this chapter to her <3 love you Olivia!! :)


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 I walked quickly with Matt into the restaurant. We were at an A&W only a few blocks from my house. I looked outside as the rain started to crash down onto the pavement with brutal force. I had never seen such an intense rainfall before. 

"Hey..uh..Mel. Would you like something to eat?" Matt asked me, cautiously watching my every move.

"Sure. Could I get a small salad with some fries?" I answered.

He smiled and nodded, continuing on with his order. I watched his face for a moment; he looked so adorable when he was deep in thought. Matt just has the cutest thinking face... then again; he was just cute in general.

 I quickly turned away and felt my face starting to get hot. I'm so glad he hadn't seen me staring. How embarrassing would that be?

I slipped away from him and walked to the bathroom. I was completely drenched for the most part, except for my back. It was partially dry. Matt's seat in his car probably soaked that part up. I turned towards the sink and starting ringing out my shirt. The water drained out of my clothes fairly well. The only problem was I was still a little wet. I didn't much care at the moment though.

I finished with my hair and then turned the sink on. I splashed my face with warm water and then grabbed some paper towels to pat it dry. I stopped when I heard a noise in the bathroom with me. Was someone in here with me? I walked around to check the three stalls. I opened the first one carefully, nothing. I walked to the second one and opened it too... still nothing. I slowly crept up to the third one. I stopped and took a deep breath. I set my hand on it and pushed it open and ended up letting out a breath of air I hadn’t realized I had been holding... there was still nothing.

I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath in. I was hearing things. That was all. I went back to the sink and grabbed the paper towels to put them in the garbage when I heard a soft sound. It was the sound of a violin. My heart started to beat faster. I glanced up into the mirror. There behind me was Harmony. She was playing her violin.

Suddenly, I was back at the theatre watching my sister play at her show. The smooth sound of the instrument filled the air; it was all was so real.

Harmony seemed deep in concentration, playing her heart out, it seemed... and then she looked at me. She glared at me as though she wanted me dead. Her eyes fell closed and her head tilted back towards the ceiling. Then her music started to sound like nails being raked across a chalkboard

Excuse me are you okay? The voice seemed to be coming from out of nowhere.

I jumped and my eyes flashed open. I stared into a mirror at my eyes. There was fear pulsing through them and my heart was pounding hard in my chest.

"I asked if you were okay." I glanced over to see someone standing there beside me. I almost screamed but stopped. It was a worker and see seemed genuinely concerned.

I nodded and then glanced down to see my hands tightly gripping the sink. I heard the girl talking to me but I glanced up at the ceiling of the bathroom to see a speaker which was playing a soft violin tune. I realized that the song had triggered the images in my head. But it seemed so real! How could that have even happened?

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