Chapter Three

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I quietly sat in my room, thinking about the earlier events that had taken place. After my mom and I freaked out a little bit the neighbour lady had come over to complain about a missing garden gnome. She freaked out too when she we explained what happened.

            I am so confused. Why in the world did I have that dream about something like that? It’s so unlikely that it would come true. 

            Suddenly, my mom burst through the door, frowning at me deeply.

            “Where were you last night?” she asked sternly. I thought about it for a bit.

            “In Harmony’s room, then I went to bed,” I replied, raising an eyebrow.

            “Mrs. Gardener said she saw someone in her yard last night. A girl about your age...” she said, studying me. I frowned; I definitely hadn’t left my bedroom last night.

            “Well somebody was...” she mumbled. I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say next. My mom obviously didn’t know what to say either because she left the room.

            Suddenly I heard my door reopen. Harmony peaked through, with a cheery smile on her face.

            “What’s going on outside?” she enquired. Her smiled turned into concern when she saw the look on my face, “I'm guessing it’s not good?”

            I shook my head, a shiver running down my spine when memories of the dead cat returned to my mind. Not a very good memory.

            “Well,” I started, “we found a dead cat on the lawn...”

            “That’s it?” she laughed, amused by the topic.

            “Nope,” I stated. She stared at me, confused as to what I meant, “Its belly was sliced open with a garden gnome.”

            The look on her face was priceless- she looked like I had hit her in the face with a baseball bat. We were silent for a long time. In fact, it may have been ten minutes.

“Whoa...” she whispered.

Ten more minutes passed without a single word said.

“So why were you acting so upset yesterday?” I asked her slowly, hoping that she wouldn’t respond harshly.

“Just some stuff...” she muttered quietly, only loud enough for me to hear.

“Like...?” I pressed on.

            “Well... I like this boy...”

            Oh great, I thought, boy troubles.

            “And I don’t think he likes me back...” she finished. I was surprised, what boy didn’t like my sister back? The only ones that I’ve ever known of were gay, and even one or two turned straight for her.

            “That’s it?” I asked, “that’s what made u bawl your eyes out last night?”

            She looked hurt as the words came out of my mouth.

            “I- err, did you ask him? I mean, how do you know he doesn’t like you back?” I inquired.

            “I asked him out,” she whispered, “and then he turned me down.” I stared at her in disbelief. What would possess any guy to turn down my sister? I thought about it for a moment, not able to come up with any one guy who could resist her temptation.

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