Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys! So i totally apoligize for getting this chapter out so late (by like a month)... but i had to corn detassle so i never had time... and then AFTER the corn season was done i had some HUGE writers block. It took me 4EVER to finish this. So i do sincerely apoligize :P BUT i hope u can forgive me! <3

PS- i dedicated this to marilcat for making my amazing new cover! I love it, thankyou so much :)

PPS- this is not edited unfortunately, so i apoligize for the mistakes as well. As soon as i finish this book i will send it to an editor.


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I managed to get to the hospital within minutes. It’s not like I was speeding or anything. After all, I did just get my liscence last week and I'm not about to lose it just yet.

I waited a few seconds so I could compose myself before going in. Veronica waited patiently before I walked in with her.

Now, I know this is going to sound bad- but I'm not even really here for Lola. More or less for Matt. But why would i even come for her? I mean, I can't stand being around her.

I noticed Matt standing in a group with some of his friends. He looked like he was in a very serious conversation with one of them but he grinned when he noticed me standing awkwardly in the entrance.

“Hey, Mel,” greeted Matt, “I'm glad you’re here.”

It wasn’t hard to hear the sadness in his voice. I’ve known him forever and I can tell whenever he’s discouraged about something. His eyes normally reflect the mood he’s in.

“How is she?” I asked, trying to sound worried.

“Still unconscious... but at least she’s stable.”

I turned to look at Veronica, until I realized she wasn’t even there. I looked around some more until I realized she wasn’t even in the room at all. I swear she came inside with me.

“What are you looking for?” asked a confused looking Matthew.

“Oh, uh, Veronica,” I smiled sheepishly, “she came inside with me, but I can’t seem to find her now.”

“Really, I thought she left to go back to... wherever?”

“No- I mean- well, she did, but she came to visit me for a while,” I explained in a rush, tripping and stumbling over my every word.

“That explains it,” he laughed, “I hope I get to meet her one of these days.”

“Maybe you will,” I smiled.

“I hope so,” he smirked, “so did you want to go see Lola or what?”

I paused for a second. To be honest, I really don’t want to see her, or even care really. But he’s going to think I'm a total butt wipe if I don’t say yes... so I nodded cautiously.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. It sent butterflies flying crazily in my stomach, until I realized that he was only leading me towards Lola’s room.

It was just down the hall, not too far away from where we were just standing. So unfortunately, he let go of my hand sooner then I wanted him to. I just stood there for a while, staring at the door, not exactly wanting to go inside. But he started to nudge me forward, urging me to open the door. And then he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2011 ⏰

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