Chapter Nine

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Authors Note::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: heys guys!! sorry its taking so long, but my computer was being retarded and i lost all of chapter nine so i had to restart it. sorry if its shorter than normal :/

... btw i have another book idea im going to try when im done this story, so we'll see how that goes.... enjoy this chapter ^.^

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               The movie was a good one. It was about a young Vampire girl who had to move from town to town, and have her father kill people and give her a tub full of blood otherwise she’d have to go out and do it herself. It was pretty good... but I dreaded the ending.

               The ending of the movie would mean I would have to talk to Matt. He would start asking questions about what Lola and I were arguing about, and that’s when I would blush, and then he’d ask why I turned all red, and then that’s where I’d confess my undying love for him. But obviously I'm thinking too much, and that would probably never happen.

               I smiled when I realized how stupid I sounded in my head. I always somehow manage to over think and over analyze everything. In the end it never turns out to be the way I thought it would be either.

                Even the big bucket of popcorn had disappeared without me helping to get rid of it all. In fact, I'm pretty sure that as Lola and Matthew devoured it together their hands touched multiple times. And whenever I looked over at her, she was always smiling to herself.  Ugh, she’s such a little flirt...

               The lights began to brighten and I stood up with Matt and Lola after the credits finished rolling off of the screen.

               “Do you want to go home now, Mel?” he asked, turning to me. I shook my head, not daring to look at him in the face.

               The reason I didn’t want to go home just yet was because I just didn’t want to be alone in the car with him; do you know how much that would freak me out? I was certain that he had a hunch that I had a crush on him, which if you couldn’t have guessed by now, is a bad thing.

                “Alright then, where do you want to go?” he asked me with a smile. I shrugged, unsure of myself... and still too nervous to look him in the eyes.

                “We could go to that cute little coffee shop down the road,” Suggested Lola abruptly butting into where she didn’t belong.  He turned towards her and nodded, while I gave myself a mental slap in the face... why did I just do that? I got so embarrassed all of a sudden and I couldn’t even speak!

                Wait, wasn’t this just supposed to be Matt and me anyways? Where does she get off thinking she can hang out with us without being invited? Plus, because of our earlier argument before the movie began I'm pretty sure he thinks I like him now...

                “Mel? Are you okay?” asked a very much concerned Matthew.

                “Oh yeah... for sure,” I replied looking into his eyes, but regretting it immediately when I found my face getting warm.

                 “Alright then let’s go,” he motioned as he walked through the rows of seats and towards the door. I followed closely behind, mostly because of the dim lights. I find that most of the time I see things whenever it’s dark so I’ve become mildly afraid of the dark.

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