Chapter Seven

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authors note::: hey guys, so im defs appreciating the support... nbd ;)

btw keep voting, fanning, and commenting if you like it :) <3 xoxo

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PPS- sorry its shorter than usual :( but i have to go to the library soon to study for a math exam  :/


           It’s been two hours since we found her broken body in the storage closet of the theatre, and I haven’t stopped crying. But somehow, I wasn’t surprised. I had this feeling earlier... the feeling that we wouldn’t manage to find her alive, and I was right. We didn’t find her alive.

           I'm not sure why, but the image of her still body falling out of the closet kept running through my mind; over, and over, and over again. Her head was bloody, her face was pale and her eyes were wide open. She must have been in shock or maybe she was surprised by the attack.

          It was a terrifying sight. I'm sure she must have been hit multiple times in the head, with something big and easy to kill a person with.

          I could still see her wide, accusing eyes staring up at me. I shivered at the thought, tears still running down my face. I cried harder the more I thought about it.

          Maybe the dream that I had last night was a sign. Maybe it was my subconscious telling me that there was something wrong; that something horrifying had happened to my poor, unsuspecting sister who obviously hadn’t expected anything like this to happen to her.

          Even I, somebody who has put up with her for sixteen years of my life, didn’t think she deserved a fate such as this. I mean, sure, I’ve had those moments where killing her would be a great idea.... but she was my sister. I still loved her.

          As I continued on with my crying and my thought process I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I didn’t say anything. Not wanting to have someone come in here and watch me cry for another hour or two. It just didn’t seem like much fun to me.

           The door opened, without me inviting anyone in. A head popped around the corner, surprising me and causing me to jump.

           I was surprised to see my mom standing at the doorway. Her cheeks were stained with tears and she looked like she had my crying just as hard as I had, if not more. Her eyes were still wet but she walked into my room and sat on my bed where I sat with tears still falling from my eyes.

           We sat there together silently, both managing to sniffle a few times before either one of us were sober enough to speak up or even say one word.

           “I miss her so much already,” mom mumbled quietly, more to herself than me. I nodded in agreement. We were both going to miss her...

           “I never thought this would happen to me... let alone my whole family,” I sniffled.

           “I always expected to die before any one of my baby girls,” she said, her eyes staring down at her folded hands on her lap.

            I suddenly felt sympathy wash through my whole body. I may have lost my sister... but my mom had lost her daughter; her own flesh and blood. If anything, I think she’s lost more than I have, especially since she’s lost the perfect one. The one who seemed to do everything right, the one who was good at everything... the one who was better than me.

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