Chapter Two

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I had just reached my house as it started to pour rain. I could have sworn I heard thunder, too. I stepped inside, my shoes were muddy and I had to wipe them before stepping off of the mat.

“That was a fast walk,” my mom said as she stepped into the kitchen.

“Yeah, it was going to rain. I didn’t want to get soaked,” I answered.


“Yeah,” I said as I headed for the living room. My sister was sitting on the couch in the dark, watching a movie on our small TV.

“What are you watching?” I asked.

“The Grudge,” she replied, her eyes not leaving the screen. She patted the seat next to her, motioning me to sit next to her. I sat down, watching as the Grudge engulfed a girl, ripping away her soul and her youth.

I’ve seen this movie before. It’s not too bad, scary wise. In the dark however, was a different story. To be honest, I’ve never actually seen a horror movie in the dark before. This is definitely new to me. I never really thought it would make a difference if the lights were out, but I guess so.

I flinched as the Grudge struck again. My sister however, is different than me, she can stand movies like this and she’s always been the one to be brave at times like these. I really do envy her, she’s so much better than me for some reason.

I continued to watch the movie, trying not to flinch when something scary happened again, failing miserably in the process.

“How can you stand movies like this?” I asked Harmony curiously.

“Not that hard,” she stated, “all you have to do is suck it up.”

I stayed silent, she’s so rude sometimes. I really don’t understand what goes on in her mind sometimes. People say twins can read each other’s minds, but that’s a total myth. Harmony and I are far from reading each other’s minds. I just doubt we would ever get that close to each other. 

It wasn’t long before the movie was done and over with. I breathed I sigh of relief as the credits rolled down the screen.

Harmony stood up and walked out of the room, I followed close behind.

“Is there something wrong?” I questioned her.

“No.” She simply said.

“Harmony, I know you. There is definitely something wrong,” I worried.

“Mel, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, okay?” she said harshly, avoiding eye contact. I stared at her in disbelief; she’s honestly never used that tone of voice with me before.


Stop it,” she interjected. I stopped in my tracks. She really meant it; she really didn’t want me around right now. I watched her trek up the stairs, leaving me alone in a complete state of shock. Huh, that’s never happened before.

I slowly moved up the stairs after she slammed her door, hoping that she hadn’t noticed me walking after her.

I cupped my hands around my ear and pressed it against her bedroom door. I could hear her quietly sobbing. I knocked softly, praying that she wouldn’t mouth off if I tried to figure out what was wrong. I heard her mumble something in response to my knock but it was inaudible.

“Pardon?” I asked her, listening closely for her reply.

“Go away,” she sobbed. What in the world is eating her?

I opened the door, dodging an airborne stuffed frog that she had whipped at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked again. She looked at me; her eyes and face were red and blotchy from crying. She didn’t answer me.

InsanityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ