She said Yes

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I looked at Chris amazed as he placed the ring on my finger, and a few tears ran from my eyes.

"This is a amazing Chris" I smiled, speaking emotionally as he stood.

"I love you" he whispered and out lips connected for a brief moment. Chris turned away as he grabbed my hand and led me to the front hallway, seconds later the car pulling into the driveway, Cameron, Crawford, and Brent stepping out.

"Where were you guys?" Chris shouted opening the front door, "just went for a drive" Brent spoke as he walked passes us into the house.

"Anna was sleeping and you weren't here or I would have invited you guys, sorry" Cam said casually after him and Crawford had both followed us not the living room.

"Don't worry about it" I said, as Cam looked a little out of place. "Yeah," Chris clocked down to me smiling, "we had our own special morning".

All three guys took a seat as Cam continued the conversation; "I don't want to know", with that he picked up he Tv remote. "You might" I interrupted whatever Chanel played in the background.

"I don't need to hear about you're special -" "we're engaged" Chris cut Cam off mid sentence, his own joy showing .

"What?" Crawford spoke up, Him, Brent, and Cam all looking completely shocked.

"Look" I smiled, showing them the ring on my finger.

"Wow, congratulations then" Brent looked towards me and Chris both. "That's amazing" Crawford added, Cam speaking last. "Yeah, when do we celebrate?" He still seemed shocked, but smiled as a moved my hand back to my side.

"Do you mind if I drive over to my dads and deliver the news?" I asked, turning to Chris. "Sure, here's the keys, I can come, if you let me grab my sweater" Chris replied, handing me his keys.

"It's okay, we can both go back tomorrow, I just, I haven't seen him for a whole" I explained, soon getting to the car and heading towards my dad's.

About 5 minutes in, a cop car began to drive behind me, making my actions more tense than usual.

As the lights on the cop car began to blink, signalling me to pull over  I began to pull my drivers licence from wallet, tapping my foot anxiously.

"May I see your drivers licence" the officer stood at the drivers side window. "Why did you pull me over?" I asked carefully and he examined my licence.

"Just making sure you're a legal driver" he spoke without living his eyes, " have we met before?" He continued. "I don't think so" I answered as he handed me back my licence.

"Anna, right, the unit is building their case against yo- you are free to go" he quickly changed the end of his sentence and moved from my window and went toward his own car.

I soon pulled outside of my dad's house and began my visit dropping the news of me and Chris before heading back to reveal my dad wanted to two of us over for dinner tomorrow.

I made my way up the stairs not passing anyone on the main level, reaching Chris's room, i stopped a few steps away hearing voices.

"Yes" Chris spoke from inside, cam following after, " you keep saying that, but I don't think you're really thinking about it" he sounded upset near the end of his statement.

"If I wasn't thinking about it, it wouldn't of happened" Chris shot back, "I'm just trying to look out for you, you don't seem ready" Cam spoke once again.

"Not ready? Cam I love her, and I don't get why you can't except that" Chris started, "I will marry her, and I'm not going to regret it!" He finished sounding more angry than before.

Before I had anytime to think, I cold hear someone heading toward the door, and I rushed into the room beside his.

A/N Hello again everyone! I finally finished the first chapter, (it's kinda short) so if you're new, my previous book is Kidnap Me I Might Play With Your Heart, so check it out!
If not, welcome back! I so happy I could continue writing this! I hope to update regularly and that I continue with my readers until the end!
Let me know your thoughts below about the chapter!
Are you happy Chris and Anna are engaged?
Why is Cam not supportive?

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