Does he deserve it?

442 19 10

"I'd hold on to that if I were you. Because the longer you seem to be missing, the bigger suspects your boyfriend and his friends become".

Chris's POV

"Hey, he's up now" Brent startled me awake, "we're still not allowed to go in though, only family".

I looked up, my eyes blurred by the light but Brent's figure appearing in the seat next to me. Pulling out my phone I realized I had been asleep for at least two hours and Brent was the only one left at the hospital with me.

"Is Trey alright then?" I asked, clearing my throat. "They've stopped most of the bleeding, it's just a matter of hoe much he lost. But for now, yeah" Brent replied, fiddling with his fingers.

"His brother still hasn't showed up though" Brent spoke again, before I changed the subject, not thinking much of Cole,mad I didn't know him well.

"Had Anna texted you? Or anything? She hasn't I haven't spoken to her since this morning" I asked, hopeful, as I didn't know where she was currently.

"Nope" Brent replied quickly. After what felt like a few minutes I heard Brent once again talk but he only mumbled the word "shit" under his breath. I kept my attention on his as he continued, "you don't think Anna could have killed Trey do you?" He asked quietly.

"What? No. No way." I shot back quickly, "why would you think that?"

"When we stopped back at the house there, Anna was the only one there when me and Crawford ran inside" Brent explained. "She was the only one home, soI don't know who else could have done it" he stated, but didn't sound very sure if himself.

"Well we've gotta figure something out quick because we were the ones who found him laying  in our kitchen floor" I replied after taking a small amount of time to think.

"Does he remember what happened?" I asked as a follow up question, curious on if we could escape being suspects to another thing.

"He hasn't spoke much, his words are mostly mumbles" Brent replied, "if he doesn't then I don't know where we'll end up"

Anna's POV:

I woke to the sudden awakening feeling with no reason, not realizing I had fallen asleep with a new, baggies shirt around me.

I checked around me and was laying on the floor of the bedroom that me and Cole spent a lot of time arguing in the previous day. The window was bright, letting air in through the closed window.

Making my way towards the door, the floor creaked and I tried to walk as lightly as possible not knowing of Coles whereabouts. My hand twisted the handle, and in a present surprise it was unlocked.

Unsure of if I should try to head anywhere, if looked what I remembered down stairs and into the small kitchen. The clock on the microwave read 6:30am and I was more surprised than upset for being up at this time for once.

I checked multiple rooms in the main floor, eliminating the chance of Cole currently watching what I'm doing. The he's was silent. No sign if Cole, and no sign of anyone else who could have stopped by.

In a sudden event, three loud knocks banged against the front door, making my hart jump completely until in began to race. The silence echoed the knocks, making the peace now terrifying.

Usually it would be a good sign that there were people around, but the aggression that came with the second set became unsettling.

I slowly inched my way towards the door, peaking my head up so y she was level with the peep hole. As I did, a man in a what looked like suit attire was walking the opposite way from the door. He had light brown hair which was almost blond, indicating the man was probably Cole.

His high and hair both matched Cole, so my nerves went down dramatically,mad I figured he was only playing a truck or seeing if I would answer.

The relief wasn't able to last long before I jumped to the sudden knocking from the back door, which was just off of being parallel to the front door, I look per just in time to catch he shadow that looked like the same man, or Cole who was only trying to scare me; as he moved out of sight.

I took a step back still scared, but it was lesson'd now that I had an idea of what was going on. Pay back quickly came into contact with who I turned around to see was Cole.

I gasped as he started to laugh, but was quickly quieted by the obvious fear in my face as I shushed him.

"That wasn't you?" I asked as calmly and quietly as I could achieve. "Cole," I said quietly, as I turned and pointed to the back window about 2 feet from the door that provided a full view of the back yard.

The back of a man stood in the window, only half of him showing. His suit and hair looked closely alike to Coles and he didn't move an inch.

Before anything else, I was quickly pulled into a closet caved out from underneath the stairs and felt Coles hands tied around my arms. "That guy" Cole started, and I knew it waxing anything good by the scared and worried look on his face I had not seen before.

"That guy- I owe him" he said taking a deep breath in a failed attempt to calm himself down.

"How much?" Were the only words I could manage to get out quiet enough before the faint clicking of the back door shuttered, the thin around of light to allow me and Cole to see each other showing how we both understood he was inside now.

"My life" Cole gulped, standing as still and stiff as he could have been, as I still had trouble standing on my feet as my legs shaked from being scared.

Only a small noise of footsteps clicked throughout a few rooms in the house. They once went quieter. Before becoming loud again; bringing relief back to being scared.

The last footsteps stopped directly outside of the door we both hid behind, and nothing happened for several more moments. I tired to quiet my breathing but it was accompanied by Coles, raising the noise level.

Suddenly the door handle twisted open, and with no time to spare, Cole was yanked out of the closet and the door slammed behind him.

I only saw than briefly who did this, and it was the same guy who had knocked on the door, was in the backyard and obviously the same guy wandering the house.

I didn't have much time to think and I didn't know what to think either. My mind rambled and argued with itself, not conflicting thoughts being resolved.

What the hell do I do? Do i stay here and wait?
Do I try and save him?                                          Does he deserve it?

A/N: hey everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to leave your feedback in the comments and once again, thank you for all of the support!

Will Trey survive?
Who was the man in the house?
Why does Cole owe him his life?
What will happen to Anna?
What will happen to Cole?
What do you think Anna will decide?

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