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"I'm sorry, but that patient your looking for passed away just over an hour ago"
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"Hey" Chris said, placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of me as he sat down beside me on my bed. "Hey, thanks" I replied looking up from the paper I was writing on and grabbing the mug.

"What's that?" Chris asked, looking at the paper. "Um, it's a note" I paused, "for Trey. They're holding an open burial service and I'd like to take it take it there"I explained, quietly.

"Okay when is it?" He asked, filing his hand in mine, "Monday" I replied not looking up from my lap.

"Anna" Chris started, tilting my chin so I was looking towards him. "Talk to me" he finished, knowing I was upset. "I just don't don't get it" I said, choking on my words. "I just don't understand how he could be in the hospital all that time and be fine. Then he's not so suddenly!" I cried, feeling a pit in my stomach.

"The nurse said that even if they had caught the internal bleeding there's a chance he wouldn't have made it" Chris reminded me, tried to help calm me. "And that means there's a chance he could have" I spoke, more calmly.

I didn't want to yell but I felt like I needed to at this point. On top of that, I didn't want to fight because I wasn't fighting the right person. Chris was trying to help, and I tried to remind myself of that but I just need someone to blame besides myself.

I was there earlier and he was fine, but I should have known something was wrong.

I should have known that people don't always get better.

And I should have known that I would have to forget about Trey at one point, but he was my first true love and I shouldn't have to forget about him like this. Especially when my last memory of him is sitting in a hospital bed. But then again, he was the bad guy at one point, and even though he was forced interesting the role; he could have just said no.

"Chris" I said, louder than expected; not knowing if he was still in the room after floating in my thoughts for a while. He appeared in the room quickly sending me a small smile.

"I think I'm going to take a nap" I told him, tired, standing from my seat. I reached out and gave him a quick hug before heading upstairs. As soon as I reached my room and closed to door behind me and slid down to sit. At the bottom of it.

It was quiet in the house and a buried my head in my lap worrying that the sound of my possible cries would travel through the space. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep to finally get some rest.

I woke up when the door was pushed open, causing my to be pushed along with it. Part of me wanted to laugh but I was sore due to falling asleep on the ground.

"Anna" Cam whispered unsure of if I was awake now as he stepped in the room. I looked up, probably a confused look on my face. "are you alright? Sorry" he asked.

I nodded in response, then clearing my throat not wanting my voice to come out weird. "Okay, well I as just wondering if I could get you anything?" He asked again, sounding concerned. "If you could start a pot of coffee that'd be great" I smiled, "I'll be right down".

After gathering myself and cleaning my face from any remaining tears I headed towards the kitchen. I stepped in, and went to the count r at the back wall to pour my coffee. Once I added milk and sugar I turned around to a girl sitting at the island.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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