A Friend of Mine

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"Only if you say you love me" I smiled back.


I woke up next to Chris, and the only source of light was his computer screen. It was only 7 am, but with 3 missed calls from Trey I figured I should get out of bed and see what was going on.

I made my way downstairs, sat in the living room and called Trey back.

"Hello?" He sounded worried after he picked up, "hey what's going on? Are you alright?" I asked concerned,the last thing I remember was Cole shooting him. He took a moment before replying, "do you mind coming to the hospital today? I can have visitors now and I need to talk to you".

"Yeah of course" I replied, worried about seeming Trey in bad condition, "when do visiting hours start?"

"You can come whenever" he replied quietly, "okay I'll get ready, I'll, be there in about forty minutes then" I spoke sensitively worried about his current mental state.

Soon after getting dressed, doing my hair and makeup, eating breakfast and leaving a note on the counter for Chris I was out the door. On my way to the hospital it seemed quiet out, with not many cars out or people walking.

I arrived at the hospital, and to my surprise the parking lot full, the lobby even worse.

"Hey can I come in?" I asked quietly after knocking on Treys door. "Hey, how are you?" He replied as is stepped in the door, him attached to several machines but was sitting upright in bed. "I'm good, but I should be asking you that question" I joked.

"I'm okay, really. Just in a lot of pain" he replied as I took a seat on the side of his bed. I took a deep breath, glancing around the room before speaking, "how long are you gonna be in here for?"

"It's supposed to be another week but since the surgery to remove the bullet I haven't been able to move much" he told me, motioning the the bandage along his side. "I'm really sorry that happened" I spoke, guilt rushing over me. "Yeah me too, but you know it wasn't your fault Anna" he replied.

"Yeah it's your brothers, but I  had just come with you-" "then he might have shot us both" Trey cut me off and finished my sentence as I felt responsible for what had happened.

"Um, anyways what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, trying to get off of the topic. "Well I haven't given my statement to the police yet, I've been telling them I'm not ready" he began "I just wanted to know if there was anything you didn't want me t share?"

"I think you need to tell them everything, Cole can't get away with this" I replied after a moment of thinking, "what did happen before you came to my house that day?" I asked, hoping not to trigger anything.

"Cole came to mine. He told me he needed help, and when I said that I wouldn't help him with anything after all he's done to me and you guys, he put a gun to my head. I'm sorry Anna, but he made me agree that I would help kidnap you or he'd kill me. He didn't made me act casual when I came in that day so you wouldn't react so quickly. I'm really sorry". Trey explained, sounding more anxious as he kept talking.

"You don't need to apologize, we agreed it's your brothers fault" I smiled, " I'm sorry you had to go through that though. Telling the police is the best option at this point" I finished, reassuring what I had said earlier.

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