Say you love me

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What the hell do I do? Do i stay here and wait?
Do I try and save him? Does he deserve it?

I look down at my hands and back to the doorknob, my shaking consistent with my breaths. I reached forward and slowly placed my hand on the doorknob, but didn't turn it. Instead, I focused on my wedding ring; brining a smile to my face, I decided Chris would rather marry someone who tried to save someone's life, and didn't just let them die.

No matter who it was.

I started slowly but soon immediately stepped out of the closet to only take on step before stopping completely. I stared at Cole's body on the floor, hoe didn't move but I could see a slight rising of his chest with various splatters of blood sound him.

My stare was broken when I looked up to the sound of the same man from before clearing his throat. I took a shaky breath, as he looked towards me, standing across the room.

He only killed for a second to himself before speaking, "I'd keep this to yourself princess, or you might become a part of our little deal too". He then placed a knife on the table beside him, the blade covered only what could have been Cole's blood.

The man then left, not saying anything more or even looking back.

My eyes narrowed and focused on the knife, my breath only small and looking for air, now consistent with Cole's.
I stood frozen for a short moment before shakily kneeling beside Cole. My eyes stayed distant, and I didn't have the energy of motivation the re-focus them. I didn't want to look at Cole, check if he was alive, check if he was still breathing.

I didn't want it to be the same thing as Chad. Same house, same 911 call. Same officers marching into the house and I didn't want to be the same girl standing here with a second body, explaining what trauma I already went though and didn't need anymore!

I finally got myself back into place and brought my hand down to Cole's neck, he had a pulse but it was hard to find, and I could now see his chest slightly moving. His head was away from me and I didn't want to move him at all.

I said his name a few times but he was unresponsive. I then quickly dialled 911 and waited paints toy for whatever was to come next.

Chris' POV:

"Okay I'll be there. See you soon" I finished and hung up the phone as I stepped out of the house with my keys in hand.

Anna's voice sounded shaken but not much scared when I talked to her. I jumped into my car and began my way to Chad's old house, picking up speed as I went.

I was angry to say the least. She keeps getting pulled back to that house and ends up with he bodies of those who brought her there, and it's not her fault, its just a continuing cycle.

I arrived about five minutes later and parked down the street away from the surrounding cop cars. There was only a few people gathered outside of the house and police tape now covering half of the property. I spoke to one of the officers briefly before being allowed to meet Anna on the porch.

She stared blankly ahead of her and barley noticed me until I sat down beside her.

"Anna" I spoke quietly, with the cops around us making it uncomfortable. She didn't react, so I slowly reached my hand and held hers as it folded into her lap.

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