Play with his heart?

434 19 11

"Come on, Anna, we have work to do"

Chris' POV:

Me and Brent stepped out of the car after parking in the driveway, grocery bags in hand.

"Go ahead,I've gotta grab something out of the back" I told Brent while he began to walk inside, as I headed to the trunk.

Almost immediately after I closed the trunk I heard a loud thump coming from inside, and rushed into the entrance. I dropped the bags calling out for Brent with no response, my heart race increasing.

"Brent?", My voice this time trailed off as I walked into the kitchen, spotting Brent standing motionlessly, the bags he carried now laying on the floor.

My eyes lead to the dark spot on the floor and within seconds spotted Trey's bloody body across the floor.

I immediately back away fumbling with my phone as I attempted to pull it from my pocket. I dialled 911 avoiding looking back towards the kitchen.

I gave the lady on the other line the information before being pushed back into the room to see treys body.

"I need you to tell me if she's breathing" she spoke calmly, explaining how she could not send an ambulance if he had already died. My body became frozen standing in front of him, not able to bring myself over to him.

"I don't know" my words pushed together, looking at Treys chest, but my eyes only focused on the blood.

"Does he have a pulse? Police are on their way but I cannot send anyone else until you're sure" she spoke again, my breaths become quicker and shorter.

"I don't know!"

Anna's POV:

I watched as Cole began to walk towards the basement door, before stopping to look at me, "aren't you coming?". His voice was sharp, and spoke more of a statement than a question. I removed myself from the chair I sat in and slowly started towards him.

I reached Cole, and he motioned for me to go ahead of him, an annoyed look covering his face. I stepped in front of him, and only a few steps down, the barrel of a gun was placed against my back. I shifted uncomfortably before reaching the bottom.

"Why don't you tell me what you think?" Cole smiled with a fake expression as a turned back towards him once in the main area of the basement, the gun still pointed my way.

"About what?" I asked, his reply quick,"this whole situation, of course".

I didn't have much time to think before Cole pushed the gun closer to me as he took a step forward, "well," I started, "I think that maybe you shouldn't be holding that thing so close to me".

"No? Why not? Have you forgotten who's in charge here Anna?" He replied a smirk coming across his face, I stayed quiet not sure what to say, and not wanting to anger him.

I picture him as Chad and how I would avoid getting hurt in this situation, I think of everything, what words would anger him and others that wouldn't. How I could distract him long enough to make him drop his guard.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Cole asks the repeated question, in a harsher tone, "have you forgotten who's in charge here Anna?".

I look to the floor, hesitant, and again back at him before speaking, "maybe you should show me", not breaking eye contact.

Cole takes a second to secure his gun between his belt and jeans, using one hand to block my right side with his hand, and keeps the unbroken eye contact I started.

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