He needs to know

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Anna's POV:

Before I had anytime to think, I could hear someone heading toward the door, and I rushed into the room beside his.

"Anna?" I voice behind me startled me, making me turn, "hey" I paused, "Crawford, what's up?" I finished.

"You cam in here pretty quick" Crawford smiled, "popcorn?" He offered, as I smiled and sat on the bed beside him. "I never got the chance to formally say this, but congratulations" he spoke again.

"Thanks, it means a lot" I replied, seconds later, Brent walking in.

"Should I grab third drink?" He asked holding two can of pop. "Its alright" I started, "I can't stay" I left the room immediately.

I got to the bottom of the stairs not seeing Chris anywhere, but only Cam as he entered the living room.

"Hey" he greeted normally, setting a can of pop on the table, "I really am happy for you and Chris" he spoke a agin, heading toward me.

"Are you?" I questioned, making my way into the kitchen, and leaned against the island, questioning Cam's next move.

"Yeah, he must be really faithful, after he knows what you did with Chad, even Trey." He paused, "even when you first got here, you and me." He finished, looking me in the eyes, taking a step closer.

"Cam" I started, him immediately pulling both of his hands on my waste

"I'm just as faithful as Chris" I stated, grabbing his hands, but he wouldn't budge. "Are you?" He questioned mocking me from earlier, tightening his grip on my waste to pick me up, and place me on the countertop behind me.

"Yes"I paused, as he still didn't move, "I am"

"You are?" He asked again, moving his body closer to mind, his hands still on my waste and my hand on his. "Yes." I spoke quieter as he inched closer.

He suddenly let go of my waste and pulled away from me, putting his hands in the air, but kept his eyes locked on mine. "Alright, I believe you" he spoke with shy emotion, before leaving me in the kitchen alone.

I got myself off of the counter and marched into the living room, "Cam that's not okay" I spoke firmly seeing his sitting on the couch.

"What's not okay?" Brent asked curiously, as he came down the stairs. I glanced toward Brent then back to Cameron, before Cam spoke up, "Anna doesn't want me to marry her and Chris" he sent out a fake laugh.

"Gotta say, I'm on her side for this." Brent spoke taking a seat, and pulling out his phone. Moments later the front door opened, Chris walking un with a case of water and 2 boxes in his arms.

I hurried to grab the water, Brent rushing behind me, brining one of the boxes to the kitchen. Brent and I began putting away the groceries as Chris began to cook a few things.

All of us sat at the dinner table in silence for the majority of dinner. Chris and Crawford making light conversation, I joining in now and then, while Cam and Brent both seemed out of place.

"Thanks for dinner" I spoke toward Chris, standing and collecting everyone's plates from the table beginning to wash the dishes.

While everyone slowly cleared from the kitchen and dining room, I noticed Brent staying behind.

"I'm almost done, you don't have to help with anything" I spoke with my back to him as I drained the water from the sink.

"I need to talk to you" Brent replied quickly, as I turned around, taking a seat at the island without saying anything else. He made light conversation for a while, but I could tell he was just waiting to talk about something specific.

"Anna, I know that things are hard, and I believe that you love Chris" "but?" Brent started, before I cut in, anxious for what he would say. "I just don't understand how you could do that to him." He looked at me biting his lip.

"Do what?" I asked lost in the conversation. "I" Brent paused, "I saw you and Cam in here earlier" he stated calmly, before I could say anything he spoke again, "I hate to say this, but I'll have to tell Chris if you don't".

"Brent. Oh my god. There's nothing going on" I replied, less calm than him, "well there obis out was, and it's not fair to keep it from Chris" Brent shot back slightly easing his voice.

"Cam went out after dinner, so I need you to tell me what's going on" he looked at me as I glanced tone clock seeing it had been over half and hour into out conversation.

"Okay, yeah, I'll tell you" I took a deep breath fiddling with my fingers. "I was going upstairs and I heard Chris and Cam in his room and they were arguing" is rate red being but off by Brent, "about what?".

"Cam was talking about how Chris was probably making a bad decision with the proposal" I started again, "someone was leaving the room so I ran into Crawford's room, then you came, I left, and Cam and I were in the kitchen, he was questioning me on if I was faithful or not".

"And what? You had to prove you weren't?" Brent cut in again, sounding slightly angered.

"No. Cam kept asking if I could be trusted, and he just kept getting closer, but I told him I was so he moved away and said he believed me, then he left." I finished.

"You still need to tell Chris, it was wrong of him" Brent avoided eye contact as he spoke, "no, I can't" I replied, quietly.

"If you don't, I'll have to" Brent spoke firmly, seconds later, the front doors loud creeks appeared, before Cam walked into the kitchen.

"What did I miss?"

A/N okay his was pretty short, but a few things did happen! Hope you enjoyed
Why was Cam acting like that?
Will Chris find out?
Will Brent tell him?
What happens next?

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