Im So Sorry

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"What did I miss?"

Cam made his presents known as he stepped into the kitchen where me and Brent sat.

"I'll let you guys be" brent spoke quietly, before heading upstairs. Cam came over to where I was sitting and set a case of beer on the table, I noticed two missing from their spots before turning to him,

"We need to talk" I said, avoiding eye contact, "about?" He replied, half heartedly.

"I'm serious" I said breaking the the tension. "Well I didn't think you were" Cam spoke suddenly, his complete mood and atmosphere shifting between angry and upset.

"I didn't think you and Chris were that serious. I didn't think you would both jut move along like that. I thought that maybe, just for a moment, I would have a chance with you. Because I liked you Anna, I really did" he paused, "but now I can't".

My thoughts all stopped for a moment when Cam spoke, unsure of how to react. "I'm sorry" I mumbled before looking up at him, "I really am".

"Don't apologize" Cam shook his head, his eyes on the counter, "goodnight Anna". With that, Cam left the room and made his way upstairs.

I sat with myself for a bit, my mind scanning through everything that's happened since I've been here  wondering why I stayed. Even after Chad was dead, was I still afraid? Or was it Chris?

I made my way to bed, waiting for morning so I could sort my thoughts.


I slowly opened my eyes to see Chris standing over me, smiling. "It's 12:00" his smile got bigger as he spoke.

"12?" I asked sitting myself up quickly, "why didn't you wake my up earlier!" I lightly tossed a pillow towards him, as he laughed along with me.

"You were talking in your sleep, I thought you might be having a good dream" Chris spoke before taking a seat beside me on the bed. "Me and the guys have to go out for a bit, we're... Shopping.".

"For?" I asked, hoping Chris would complete his sentence. "Just things" Chris replied simply, kissing my forehead before walking to leave my room, stopping in the doorway, "you mean the world to me" he smiled before leaving.

I headed downstairs soon after I heard the Chris, Brent, Crawford, and Cam all leave the house.

It wasn't long after I made breakfast, got in the shower and changed into shorts and a hoodie, that knock on he door lead me to see who it was.

"Can I come in?" The voice on the other side almost immediately spoke as Cole was revealed. He had the same look on his face that Trey always had, looking happy but ready to make any move.

"No" I replied simply, looking at him as he narrowed his eyes. "I really need to talk to you, you should know that I've been suspended from my job" he spoke calmly, stepping past me, inside.

"So you're not detective Archer inviting himself in" I mocked, noticing the lack of his usual business attire or badge.

"No, not for the time being" cole started, as He had walked in further, "but, I am scheduled to go back for a polygraph. If I pass, it'll tell them them that I told the truth about your kidnapping story, and I can easily manipulate the system to make sure I don't take the blame for killing Chad, or shooting your dad" he spoke calmly, as my heart skipped a beat.

I thought for a moment before speaking, "they'll find out you did something. Even if I have to tell them".

"Okay" Cole began, again with his unusually calm voice, "then I'll take it again, and they still know I wasn't lying about you being kidnapped".

Cole stopped for a moment taking a step in my direction, "then what happens to you when all of them go to jail?" He taunted. "Cole" I started, unsure of what to say next.

"I don't have to take the test" he spoke, replacing my thoughts, "I could just tell them it was a lie". Coles hands clenched onto my hips and pushed me closer to the open wall. "If you don't want them to leave, then I'm sure you could convince me not to" he said quieter, my face not showing any emotion.

I took a deep breath analyzing the situation, "let go of me". I spoke firmly, Cole soon releasing my sides, but not taking a step away. "There is a way out of it Anna, I'm sure Chris would understand".

I glared at Cole as he immediately left after speaking, unable to comprehend what to do, or if telling Chris what happened just now would be a good idea or not.

As soon as crawford and Brent came through the door, the house was silent again. The pair immediately running upstairs. Within a matter of two minutes,they both rushed right back down the stairs, and made their way to the door.

"Wait" I partials housed getting there attention. I followed me to the doorway where they both stopped to look at me, "where are yoy going now?" I asked, quieter than before.

"Are you alright?" Crawford started, his hand reaching forward wiping a tear off my face. I Haden's even noticed I had been crying, my thoughts consuming me.

"Yeah", I replied blankly, "just wondering where you're going now"

"Um" Brent started, seeming as if he didn't know, "we just have some you know.." He trailed off, "shopping".

"Okay"min started awkwardly, "well could you just tell Chris that when's he's home I need to talk to him?". Crawford shifted before speaking, "sure,see you later" before they both rushed out the door,leaving me to wonder what the rush and tense feeling was all about.

I slowly made my was back to the kitchen, sitting at the island. I immediately texted Chris, asking when he'd be home.

I then heard a clicking noise behind me, followed with a pair of footsteps.

I tuned and stood to see Trey standing near the back door, his eyes bloodshot with bags. He looked upset compared to normal.

"I'm so sorry" he spoke his voice strained.

A/N hey guys! I'm sorry sorry for the updating!! I came to a mental roadblock along with some personal issues happening, but overall I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I promise that I'll update again soon! Love you guys

How do you think am will handle knowing anna doesn't like him?
Will he say anything to Chris?
Will Anna take the bait from cole?
Will Chris really understand if she does?
What does Anna need to tell Chris?
About Cam or Cole?
What is Trey doing at Anna's?
Why is he sorry?

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