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Chapter 3

Sean's P.O.V.

Ten Years Ago

Ever since I met Mark my days have been released from the infinite cycle of same day after same day. My days are no longer stuck on repeat. Every day is different.

For about two months now, Mark and I have been meeting at our corner booth every day at 8:30 for morning coffee. We know a whole lot about each other now, he is my best friend after all.

As usual I walk into the small coffee shop and order my black coffee and go sit down in our booth. It's strange how Mark isn't here. He's almost always on time.

When it gets to be about 8:45 I start to get really worried. So being the paranoid freak I am I called him.

It rang once, twice, and half way through the third ring he picked up.
"*sniff*Hello...?" Mark answer in a stuffy voice.
"Hey Mark it's Sean. You okay?"
"...No... I'm sick *sneeze*"
"Alright I'll be right over with some tea okay?"
"Okay *sniff*"
I sigh a hang up the phone grabbing a tea and starting the mile and a half walk to Marks house.


Walking up to Marks front door, I put in the four number key of **** to open the key box, grabbing the spare key and letting myself in. Closing the door behind me I set the spare key on the counter to my left.
"Mark? I'm here!" I say trying not to be too loud.
"*cough* in here..." I hear a sickly voice from the living room. As I made my way towards the living room I could only think about how Mark wasn't feeling well and I wanted him to be better as soon as possible. The first thing I saw was a burrito of blankets that soon transformed into Mark. He was wrapped up in countless blankets, but he was still shivering like a mad man in the middle of the winter.
"Oh Mark..." I said staring at my burrito for a friend. I help him sit up and handed him the tea I grabbed. Sitting next to him, I could feel the heat radiating off of him. He set his tea on the table to his right and rested his head on my shoulder.
"*sniff* Thanks Sean..." he smiled slightly
"That's why friends are for right?" Smiling right back at him I rested my head on his.
He coughed and laid down.
"I'm cold..." He mumbled pulling his blankets closer to him.
"Do you want another blanket?" I asked patting his shoulder, and standing up.
"...Kay..." He rolled over onto his other side coughing slightly. I smiled sadly. Grabbing the wool blanket that was a dark blue with a white diamond shape pattern. I draped the blanked over him as he rolled over once again. As I began to walk away Mark grabbed my wrist. He started to violently cough.
Between coughs he managed to say, "Stay with me..."
Looking down at him, I smiled. I laid down next to him, facing him. He automatically put his arm over my torso nuzzling his head into my chest.
He looked quite frail and weak. His hair was a mess ; he was as pale as pale could get ; he was like a feeble little baby that you felt like you had to protect no matter what. Mark was sleeping in a way that made him look at peace, that was something that he deserved right now. No pain, no struggle - just peace.
Between him being very warm and how I got almost no sleep, I fell asleep next to him under the blanket so we both were wrapped up in the fortress of blankets.
Authors Note,
Hey guys sorry this chapter isn't as early as I would've wished nor as long. At the moment I'm in Italy so I've been quite busy so again I apologise.

Totalybooks_music - Sam.

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