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Chapter 5

Sean's P.O.V

Nine and-a-half Years Ago

"Hey Sean. Wan't to go out for dinner tonight?" I read aloud. Mark had just sent me that text. A text I'd been waiting for, for a very long time. I began to reply, but it took several tries for me to compose a text I was happy with.

"Sure! Where and what time should I meet you?" I quietly read aloud to myself once again. "Yeah that sounds alright." I mumbled and hit the send button. And within seconds, I got a reply.

"Great! I'll be at your place in 10 minutes. Wear something nice ;)"

I jumped up off the couch and dashed for my room to start getting ready. I threw open my wardrobe and shuffeled through my nice shirts before yanking a white, button-up, blue-stripped shirt, off its hanger. I quickly slipped off my pajama shirt and put on the nice one, buttoning it up. Quickly shutting my wardrobe doors, I dashed over to my dresser and frantically searched for a pair of trousers to match my shirt. I ended up just slipping on a pair of black trousers, seeing as I couldn't find anything better. Afterwards I swiftly made my way towards my bathroom to make sure my hair wasn't a complete and utter disaster. Lucky for me, it wasn't. I quickly fixed what was out of place, smoothing it down.

Just as I was finishing up with my hair, the doorbell rang loud and clear through my home letting me know the Mark was at my door - precisely on time. I went towards the door. I took a deep breath before opening it to greet the face of my best friend - date, for tonight.

Swinging the door open I greeted Mark.
"Good evening Mark," I said, then walking out the door and turning around and locking the now shut entrance.

"You look won- very nice," Mark said, looking me over and smiling largely.
Blushing I respond, "So do you."
"Shall we be on our way?" He asked motioning to his car. I started making my way there, and as I reached to get into the passenger side of the car, Mark was there to open the door of the white car for me.
"Thank you," I sat down in his car while he shut the door and made his way towards the drivers side if the car. Getting in, he buckled up and put the keys in the ignition, starting the engine, shifting the car into drive, and beginning the drive towards our mystery destination.

The car ride was short and we did nothing but chat and engage in some small-talk about dogs and cats. Mark got out and had my door open before I could even think about getting out of the car. As I did so, Mark held the door and closed it after I got out ,shortly after, locking the car.

The restaurant was a fancy Italian style restaurant with the name plastered across the front entrance in a soft glowing purple. The front entrance was two glass doors side-by-side opening outwards looking in to a small lobby area with small benches the same colour of the sign above the doors. The floor was tilling of pure white marble slabs with diamonds of black throughout. Being the gentleman he is, Mark open the door for me and I thanked his as always. We walked up and Mark mentioned something about a reservation for two, and we were shown to a table in the corner of a smaller room with only about ten to fifteen tables total.

We both sat down and Mark ordered two glasses of water knowing that I've been trying not to drink a lot lately at which I thanked him for once again. He also asked for a salad as a starter. We chatted some more, laughed quite a bit and in the process we earned a few looks from the other people dining here. When we were ready to order our meals, a waiter came over and took our orders. I got the Penne Amatriciana and Mark order the Carbonara.

The food arrived and we devoured it quite quickly.
"Dude, someone ate my food!" I joked. We both laughed at how our food was gone in less than ten minutes. That's when Marks expression became more serious.
"Mark, are you alright?" I asked starting to get worried.
"Better than ever." he smiled and leaned across the currently empty table and grabbed my hands that were resting on it. I'm not a very big fan of cliche things, but our hands seemingly fit perfectly together. I blushed and kept looking at him directly in the eyes.
"Sean, did you know that your eyes are absolutely captivating? Did you know that your hair perfectly compliments your eyes that contain oceans of beauty and gorgeousness? Sean, did you know that your smile is bright enough to lead anyone out of the dark? Did you know that your laugh is something so melodious that even the best of music doesn't even come close to comparing? Sean, did you know that I really, really like you and everything about you? Did you know that I want you to be my boyfriend?" he said in the most loving way possible. We just kept the most perfect eye contact through his entire mini-speech. I quickly jumped out of my chair. Lucky for me, he stood up as I did so. I ran around the table at tackled him into a hug and whispered into his ear, "Did you know that I want you to be my boyfriend?" He pulled back to look me in the eyes then crashed his lips onto mine. Again I know it's cliche, but everything was absolutely perfect. The kiss was slow, but passionate. The kiss conveyed one thought that both of us shared. 'I really love this man.'

Pulling apart from the perfect kiss. Mark then asked me, "Does that mean a yes?"
"If it doesn't then I don't know what does other than a big, fat yes." I smiled as he rested his forehead on mine.
"You are truly adorable."
Authors Note.
I KNOW, I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS LATE AND IM SO SORRY!! My brother just had a surgery and I've kinda been busy helping my parents deal with that so I haven't had ANY time to write until today. Again I apologise and I tried to make this good but I kinda failed. It's getting late where I live and I'm really tired, but I wanted to put out a chapter soooooo here you go! Sorry I know it's probably crap but its better than nothing right?
Totalybooks_music - Sam

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