Se3 Ep11

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Scene: gutter hole

The dragon's head was almost to the gutter when a goat fell in the ditch. The goat saw the dragon. It squiled a panicked cry and fainted. The dragon poked at the goat excitedly.
"Nevermind they just want to eat the goats." The guard said. "Let's check the town. There's a good chance they could have made it there by now."

They waited in silence listening to their hearts pound. Koxes peaked out. "There gone." he said
"You sure?" Clip said.
"As sure as I can be in here." Koxes said.
"okay. let's get out of here." Clip said.

"We made it." Clip said as they stepped into the forest.
"Just in time too. Look, the sun's coming up over the discs." Koxes said.
He started off. "Wait, that's the wrong direction. Isn't your manner near Tokip's?" Clip said.
"Yes but I want to make a quick stop first." Koxes said. Continuing in the direction he was going.
Clip ran to catch up. "Is that a good idea?"
"No but it's not too far." Koxes said.
"Okay but i'll gut you if we're caught." Clip said.
"Deal." Koxes said.

Scene: stone walls of memories.

"Where are we going?" Clip asked as they walked out of the forest into a large clearing full of rows and rows of long stone walls. "Oh." she said solemnly.
"I wanted to talk to my parents' memory before we leave," he said.
They walked between the rows of stone walls meant for adventures. Koxes stopped when he found the double sword plaque with his parents name on it.
"I'll just go take a look around." Clip said. She saw Koxes knelt down leaning his head on the stone. She rounded the wall to the next ile as his tears began to fall.

Clip walked aimlessly through the tall stone walls. She stopped and inspected the wall next to her better. "This is a non adventure wall." she said. She inspected the names on the plan silver plaques then stopped. A golden sword plaque, ment for adventures, stood out among the plan silver rectangles. She read the name on the sword.

Nocona the adventurer who wielded no sword.

Clip laughed. "Nan. You loved her more than you let on. This was expensive."
She laid her hand on the plaque. "I know your gone but if your memory can hear me I know you'll listen. I didn't expect to find you here. I have a friend here too who's seeing his parents memory. Juko took a lot from us. At least we found each other." Clip traced the sword with her finger. "Most disc bottom don't get a place on a wall of memory." Clip smiled. "Of course you did. No one could outshine my mom. I'm sure Tokip's here somewhere too. I know you loved him. I hope he loved you too. At least at one point in your time together. I hope your memories found each other during a happy time in your past."

Nocona's past.
Scene: disc festival.

Nocona was dancing in a crowd. They were cheering her on. She did a flip in the air and stopped. Tokip stood in the midst of the people. They held eye contact then Tokip disappeared in the crowd.
"More! More!" The people cheered, throwing chips at her.
She bowed to her audience. "My act is over dear people. Enjoy this play about two foolish adventurers." she said leaving her group.

Nocona looked for Tokip but it was futile with so many people around. She sat in a dark bricked ally. Two feet appeared in front of her. She looked up and Tokip stood in front of her. "I found you." Nocona said.
"Technically I found you." Tokip said.
"I've been looking for you. I was starting to think I imagined you." Nocona said.
"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Tokip said.
"Do you not want to see me?" Nocona said.
"Nocona I_-" Tokip begane.

Scene: the flower biome. Monster fight

Tokip slices down another Lama monster.
"Die you blooming rock head." some yelled in the daisy trees.
Tokip saw a young girl beating a llama in the head with a thick stick. The llama roared back to spit at her. "Move!" Tokip yelled. The girl shoved the stick down the lama's throat before it could spit its acid on her. It gurgled and fell over. "Did you just kill that with a goring stick?" Tokip said.
She looked at him. "Where the pedals did you come from?"
"I was hired to deal with the monster infestation." Tokip said.
She looked down at the dead lama. "I think you owe me some chips then."
Tokip laughed. "Who are you?" he said.
"I'm Nocona." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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