The After Story (percabeth)

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Disclaimer time ok I don't own any PJO or HoO characters, The great author Rick Riordan does.

Intro:Percy Anabeth  Frank Hazel  Jason Piper and Leo have defeated Gaea and the Giants. So now they are all going back to camp.And its their Junior year.

Percy's POV

It was Tuesday May 6th and we had just gotten back to Camp Half-Blood. All i wanted to do was sleep. I mean come on we just defeated the giants and saved the world for the 4th time, but I mean, who am I to brag about it.

As I walked into my cabin , avoiding people because I truly only wanted to sleep, I saw Annabeth sitting cross legged, on my bed.

"Hey, seaweed brain" she said with a smile.

"Hey" I responded, not being able to control my smile.

She asked me what i was going to do for the rest of the day since it was only about noon. I sheepishly smiled and said I was just gonna take a nap.

She said " oh , um , i was kinda hoping you would come with me "

"To where" I asked, this could go multiple ways, but I'd go anywhere with her.

She said "well, first to lunch then to the beach "

I smiled and said " you know i would love that", probably not more than a nap, but hey, it was Anabeth.

She gave me a big grin and said great. So with that we went to lunch.

Anabeth's POV

So it was around noon when we got back. Chiron wanted to talk to all of us. As per usual he just said good job and let us know how proud he was, but I mean who else could he have expected to do as we did. As he was talking i snook away and went into percy's room. I wanted to surprise him and have him take me to lunch and then a nice walk on the beach. I sat there for about 5 minutes but with my ADHD it seemed like hours, then he opened the door. He looked tired and I immediately felt bad, but after his shocked face, he smiled and seemed a lot brighter, but nonetheless he was confused when he saw me.

So i started a conversation, and when i asked him his plans for today he said he wanted to sleep. I looked up a little sad about his plans, he did initially look exhausted, but I miss the whole us time, and who knows what Chiron has planned, so this might be our only free time, I hope he missed it as much as I did.

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