Chapter 8

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Disclaimer time blah blah blah i do not own any PJO or HoO.


Annabeth's POV

Once we all wandered around the main areas, I opened the door that said 'Annabeth'. When I walked in it was amazing . The walls were all grey. One wall had a huge plasma screen t.v. I opened the coset door to unpack when I see a huge walk-in-closet filled with clothes. On an other wall the whole thing was shelved with books. This was awesome. I heard piper shriek. So I assumed she had just found her room. Any way, I turned around to see my bed and desk. My bed sheets were grey with little owls every where. Then I my desk it had an iPod, iPhone, iPad, and a space right in the center. I immediately knew it was for my laptop.

Once I un packed, I plopped my self on my bed. Then I suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Who is it",I asked.

"Percy", he yelled.

"Come in" I yelled.

He walked in and said, "nice, but you gotta see my room"

With that he lead me next door.


Percy's POV

When I opened my door I knew I was gonna like this. Two walls were sea green. Another wall was a huge fish tank. Then the other wall had a huge flat screen t.v. and under it were about 20 shelves. The shelves were full of game consoles and video games. While three shelves were full of fish food.

I opened my closet to unpack my stuff but, my closet was already filled with clothes. I wonder what else I find when I see a desk. On top was an apple laptop, iPod, iPhone,and an iPad.

All I can think is wow. Then I wonder about Annabeth. I rush over to her room and knock. Her room is nice. It's totally Annabeth style. I drag her into my room and she starts fidgeting with my Xbox. We play zombies for a while then we hear a knock at the door. It was Leo. He said," I made tacos " and left.

I looked at Annabeth and she said, "Lets go". We left to eat tacos for dinner. Then as we ate Jason asked, "How will we get to school". I thought argus would come by but realized he can't. "I don't know" I replied. After we all ate me and Annabeth wondered off into the garage. When I opened the door there where like 10 cars it was awesome.

We headed back, and told Jason. Every one wondered of to see the cars. I walked with Annabeth to her room. We just sat there talking about every thing. Then we looked at the clock. It read '11:01' turned around to see Percy and I said " seaweed brain it's getting late you should go." He leaned in and kissed me.

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