Chapter 9

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Disclaimer time. Ya ya I don't own any PJO or HoO characters.


Annabeth's POV

After Percy kissed me good night he left. So I fell asleep. I had a dream. I was with Percy when, Luke came. He hugged me and said," oh Annie I missed you so much"

I gritted my teeth and said, " First of all it's Annabeth, second of all what are you doing here."

He said,"for this" then he kissed me. I was in shock. I kneed him and ran. As I ran I yelled for Percy. I woke up panting and sweating. I looked on the clock and it read '3:01'. Percy ran in holding riptide. When he saw me crying he sat down and hugged me. I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while. Then he started to leave. "Percy don't go,"  I said.

He turned around and said," ok". With that he slipped into the covers and wrapped his arms around me. We fell asleep. And for once I felt safe.

I woke up to the sound of a buzzing alarm clock. I tried to get up but something was holding me back. I turned around and saw percy. "Seaweed brain you up" I said. He didn't reply, so I kissed him. He kissed me back. Then we both stared at each other. He leaned in and I met him half way. What was a wake up kiss turned into a make out session.

After a while Leo swung  open the door and yelled ,"Percy's mi- he's in here guys." Everyone ran in.

"What's going on i'm...." Percy asked.

"Well when I went to talk to you, you weren't in your room so we all started looking for you, then piper suggested we tell annabeth but here you are." Jason said.

"Oh well I think we should all get ready to school." I said.


Percy's POV

After that every one went to their rooms. I brushed my teeth, and tried to tame my hair, it was a fail. I looked in my closet, first thing I saw was a green v-neck, some black skinny jeans, and grey Supras. I put them on grabbed my folder and walked out of my room. I went to the kitchen and saw Annabeth. She was wearing a grey Hollister shirt, shorts, and grey converse. On her side hung a grey bag that had an owl on it.

"Hey wise girl" I said.

"Seaweed brain" she said.

"So you ready, 'cuz I was hoping I could drive you to school ,but a little early" I said.

"Umm ok" she said.

We walked to the garage and I told Annabeth to pick a car. She picked out a red Lamborghini. I was hoping she picked the black jaguar but i'm ok with the Lamborghini. I hopped in and drove her to Starbucks. We ate breakfast and went back to Goode. We went to the office to get our schedule. When we walked in a women in her twenties was sitting there texting. Her name tag read 'Ms. D'zul'.

"Excuse me Ms. D'zul"

She looked up and said,"Welcome to Goode High School, I assume you two are new so I need to know two thing. First name, and Second are you going to stay in dorms or go home and come back every day"

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. We are going to stay home." I said.

"Ok then here are your schedules and locker numbers, have a Goode day"

"Bye" me and Annabeth said as we walked out. Once we got out I looked at the schedules.

Percy's Schedule

AP Greek-Ms. Arrigin

AP History-Mr.Recon




Study Hall-

Swimming- Coach Johnson


Annabeth's Schedule

AP Greek-Ms. Arrigin

AP History-Mr.Recon



Calculus-Mr. Nava

Study Hall

Architecture-Mrs. Karo


__________________________A/N Hey guys!!!! So do you like it comment and tell me what you think. And don't forget to VOTE. So ya. Ps Niah MY NAME IS KAREN NOT MINIMUNCH GOT IT!!!!! so 😁.

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