Chapter 2

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Disclaimer time ok so as much as i would like to take credit for the PJO or HoO characters I don't own them the great author Rick Riordan does.


Annabeth's POV

So with that we left and he took me to his car (a blue beetle)the car ride was silent.

Percy's POV

I thought about taking her to lunch at a little pizzeria i love. And then it hit me what if she doesn't even want pizza.

So i decided to brake the silence and say " so where do you want to go for lunch" at first she didn't say anything so i turned around and she had a thoughtful look on her face.
"I don't know, what are we supposed to eat that can compare to camp, or home, or just yanno not saving the world running amok" She said, she definitely missed ordinary food, and feeling normal, so did I.

Then she said, "What about fast food, or pizza, something ordinary"
At that i smiled and said " i know just were to go.

Annabeth's POV

I was really in the mood for pizza and I guess so was Percy. It was about an eight minute drive, when Percy pulled up to a little building. The building had a sign with red letters that said "Sbarro". He parked and I broke the silence.

I said "so...umm what is this place". I immediately regretted it, I knew exactly were we were.

He looked up at me with a glint in his eyes and he said "this is where I used to come when I was little"

"Oh" I said. I didn't know that, I thought to myself. We got off and and walked inside. The inside was nice fancy but the greasy smell of pizza and garlic kind of killed it. But in a way, it made it cozy, something about the brick walls and the clutter of people, I liked it. We walked toward a two person booth in the corner, away from everyone.

A few moments later the waiter came up. He was tall, blonde, pretty muscular looked straight out if holister ad, but to me he was nothing compared to the idiot sitting infront of me, the ine who had countlessly saved my life, and been through hell with me, literally hell, and not to mention how amazing he was, and cared and now i'm over thinking it, he was nothing compared to my seaweed brain.

Percy's POV

So when we got of the car I led Annabeth to a two person booth, a little ways away from the clutter, I know she'd like it to be us away from it all. We sat there for a few moments.Then the waiter came up to us. Instead of being a waiter and taking our order, he started asking Annabeth questions and trying to flirt with her, I was raging. The audacity, as if you can't tell we were in a date, and Anabeths good nature to not be rude, seemed to not even realize what he was doing.

Then he said "My shift is almost over so you should hang hear and then we could go catch a movie or something."

That's when I got up and said "hey this is MY girlfriend and if you wouldn't mind, doing your job so that we continue with our peaceful lunch."

Annabeth got up and said, "c'mon percy I think we should just go" of course, she just wants to avoid conflict, but man, was I pissed.

But I know she has my best interest at heart, and a fight wouldn't do anyone any good, she stood up and held my hand to lead us out. But of course, when I try to be a good person, someone fucks it up. Dumbass blondie comes back again trying to catch up, as he reached towards Anabeth's hand, I immediately squeezed my fist, she must have noticed because she stopped, and she kissed me. So we stood there looking like love struck idiots, making out infront of blondie.

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