Chapter 13

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A/N real quick i'm sorry so much but I will update as much as I can but i've been busy and I wrote this at 11:09 .-. But I want to keep writing this story I do it for all of you guys that support me and keep reading, I have 300 something votes, thats crazy to me, this all came from me and a couple friends being nerds, my goal is a thousand c; but i've already had more than I expected thanks to all of my supporters ily guys.

Annabeth's POV

That night, after all of our friends left, Percy asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him. We were in his room watching Nemo, around 10. During the movie we talked about school and had stoled kisses every once in a while.

"Don't wake them up" someone, Thalia most likely, whispered.

"Got the pictures" answered Leo.

I slowly came to my senses and realized I was not in my room. I'm assuming I fell asleep with Percy during the movie last night. I was leaning in to Percy, as he embraced me and he leaned back on the coach drooling a little. I smiled to myself, this, these moments, waking up to a drooling percy, the moments I love, almost as much as I love him.

Then everyone else kinda ruined the moment. Thalia pulled me up, and Percy stirred awake. Piper and Thalia took me away.

"Where are me going?" I asked.

"My mom wants me to give you a make over, she even picked out and outfit for you" Piper squealed .

"Its toats adorbs" Thalia said with sarcasm dripping from her words.

Piper and I started laughing, "Thalia do me a favor, never say that again"

"Agreed" Thalia said.

Piper did my make up, lightly, just some blush, lip gloss, and mascara. My outfit was a blue flowered crop top, dark high waisted jeans, and a grey knit cardigan, to top it of my white converse.

I looked at the clock it was around 8, "why are you dolling me up?" I asked Piper.

"Because you and Percy are spending the whole saturday together" Piper answered.

I walked out with a smile and I saw my seaweed brain.

Percy's POV

The guys shoved me in the bathroom to shower, brush my teeth and do my hair. They laid out clothes for me. It was a nice grey button up shirt, some dark jeans, and my blue vans.

"Why am I dressing nicely?" I asked Jason.

"Because you have a full day with Anabeth" He replied. They pushed me out the door not even letting me glimpse at the time.

I walked out and saw my beautiful wise girl. She looked stunning with her outfit and perfect princess curls.

"Where is it that we're going?" I asked her.

"I thought you knew?" Anabeth said " I have no clue"

Just then Leo came in and handed me a basket and a blanket.

"I suppose a picnic?" I said, more like a question.

A/N ikik its me again anyway next chapter Thursday 😏 so I need one character. Comment and I will pick one Girl Demigod and One Boy Demigod. Leave name, description (appearance), and parents NO BIG THREE vvv

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