Chapter 5: First Day of School... More like Death Row

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3rd POV

         Selena woke up before all of her dorm mates in a drowsy hazy and trudged to the shower and washed her hair. After a 45 minute shower, she came out in her towel with hair already in its shiny dark ringlets to get changed into her uniform. Unbeknownst to her, one of the four sleeping roommates was actually awake! One Miss. Hermione Granger was barely waking up when she heard the shower turn off. She was peeking out of her curtains to observe the new-comer in the dorm.

      'She's really quiet and doesn't react to the negative comments thrown at her last night.' she thought as she watched Selena pull on black tights instead of knee-length school socks.

     Selena put on a silver and turquoise-encrusted wolf necklace that she got along with a silver shield ring in Diagon Alley on her ring index-finger; while the left was dominated by a silver slave bracelet that had a peculiar greenish-blue with yellow splotches and veining on the bracelet and connecting ring.

     'Peculiar jewelry she has.' thought the observing Hermione as she watched Selena apply the last of her make-up which was eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss.

     After putting on a bright turquoise beanie, Selena was out the door with her bag and heading towards the Great Hall when Hermione started getting ready. The morning of the first day of classes ran like normal, Head of House would give their students their schedules at breakfast and friends would compare while eating; but today was different because everyone was trying to avoid the youngest member of the Black family while curious of her schedule.

     The golden trio met up at the table like usual, but Harry kept glancing around until he spotted the newest Gryffindor at the end of the table eating breakfast and looking over a schedule. As they ate, Ron asked "So how was sleeping in a room with a lunatic?" and Hermione responded "She had her curtains closed by the time I came up. This morning she was the first one up, even before me. She's very quiet and keeps to herself mostly. She almost acts like a doll if I didn't see how Malfoy treats her."

     "Well of course he treats her well, they're cousins. I think they're second cousins or something Hermione, I heard that Malfoy's parents were furious when they heard about the sorting. Said that his mum wrote to Dumbledore for a re-sort." replied Ron after scarfing down his food.

     After breakfast, they went to their first class which was Transfigurations with Hufflepuff, and with every class it was the same introduction to the subject and explanation of what to expect this year. The only class that gave homework was Potions with Professor Snape; it was spent mostly of him glaring at and making snarky comments about Harry or any Gryffindor really while glancing curiously at Selena for she was the quietest in the room and kept to herself while working.

     Since the start of the new school year was on a Friday, the weekend was used for the last remnants of summertime sleeping habits and getting prepared for school time sleep. When Monday rolled around, the students had already mourned their weekend and going to classes. After Muggle Studies for the trio they split; Hermione on her way to Ancient Runes with the boys made their way up to their first and new elective, Divination with Professor Trelawney. When they walked in, they looked to see that Selena was already sitting at one of the tables looking through the books and watching the crystal ball. The boys picked a table two down from her and waited for class to start.

Selena's POV

     So far classes have been good; people still avoid me like dragon pox and the teachers are still weary. I'm apparently good at Charms, Potions, and do well in Transfigurations. Professor Snape looks at me weird during class, Flitwick squeaks every time I raise my hand and commenting that I have my parents' talent for spell work; Sprout cheers at my work with plants, and McGonagall would eyeball me as if I was up to no good. So today's classes were interesting and now as I'm heading towards my elective (not something I picked, but still curious about) Divination with a professor that everyone says is crazy. When I walked in, I was hit with the strong aromas of perfume and saw a few other students were already there.

     I chose a table in the middle of the room, not wanting to be in front and not wanting to be in the back and sat down. As students slowly trickled in, I decided to look through the books and try my hand at the crystal ball. I saw some things in it that may or may not have made sense, but I was at least glad that I could use it. Draco waved hi to me before sitting down and as the last people came in, as in Harry Potter and Ron Weasley; (yes I know who they are, Draco told me all about his dislike of them) the professor entered with a flourish of her shaw.

     "Welcome my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you will discover if you possess the sight." she said dramatically while bumping into a table. "Hello, I'm professor Trelawney and together we'll cast ourselves into the future!" she ended with her arms out as if to embrace the whole class. Everyone was looking around and muttering, sharing the same thoughts of her sanity and if she was high. "This term, we'll focus on Tasseomacy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you." she said before starting to walk around the room to help the students that needed help.

     I took the cup of a Hufflepuff girl that almost looked frightened of touching me. Looking into her cup, I saw that something good would happen, but a large event would impact her life soon. There was a gasp to my right and I turned to see Pavarti Patil looking at me in shock. "What?" I asked her, not knowing why she's looking at me like some sort of wonder. Apparently professor Trelawney also heard her because she comes over and askes Pavarti "What's the matter dear?"

     Pavarti quickly answered "Her eyes changed when she held the cup. They turned gold." Not that caught almost everyone near our table's attention and I definitely know that my cousin is one of them because I can feel his stare on my neck. Trelawney looks intrigued by this and asked "Can you grab and tell us what's in the cup?"

     I nodded and grabbed the cup, looked inside and said "Good will come, but be warned of an event that will affect your life soon."

     After saying this, Trelawney grabs it and looks at it and said "She's correct. Points to Gryffindor and I'd like to see you after class Ms. Black."

     Class continued on until she got to the golden trio's table, don't know when Hermione got there but oh well, and started going into hysterics. Everyone was gathered around their table when she stated to Potter "My dear, you have...the grim."

     Then Seamus Finnegan asked "The grin? What's the grin?" Another student commented "Not the grin you idiot, the Grim. It's a giant spectral dog. It's one of the darkest omens of our world; it's an omen of death." Everyone was looking at Harry as if he were a leper; or the same way as the look at me or my dad's picture.

     The bells rang and as everyone was leaving, I went over and checked Harry's cup. I saw hardships and joyous reunions in his future. Trelawney wanted to talk about my heritage and I told her about my mom and being a seer. Then I was off to Care of Magical Creatures.

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