Chapter 9: Werewolves, Dementors, and Training Recruitment

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3rd POV

   It's been a few weeks since the break-in and life at Hogwarts resumed as usual. Students and teachers went to and fro classes, giving and receiving homework all the while still cautious of the criminal still at large. Everybody either believed that Selena got him in or some other crazy theory that was flying around at the moment. Slowly, but surely students were starting to accept the Black girl as a person and became friends with the Weasley twins, Hannah Abbot, Lee Jordan, and Luna Lovegood while also becoming closer with the golden three of Gryffindor. Ron was still cautious around her, but was still amicable while Harry got to know her better as well as Hermione becoming her best friend and could be found hanging out at the lake.

Selena's POV

   Even since the incident around Halloween, things seemed to be going on normal and easier for people to be around me. Some people still think I helped dad get in, but for the most part they believe in one of the ridiculous rumors or theories that have been floating in the air. I've made a few friends and gotten closer to Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Ron is still suspicious, but still talks to me and asks for help if need be (which is often) while Harry would actually hang-out with me sometimes and get to know each other better. Hermione has become my best friend and we are usually seen together very often.

   Today was like any other day at school, people were excited and getting ready for the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tomorrow. Draco and other students were rooting for canary yellow and black while others were sporting the colors gold and crimson. We were currently in DADA waiting for Prof. Lupin to arrive and begin the lesson. I was sitting next to Hermione while the boys were seated near us. My cousin and his goons (his friends, my word for them) were sitting across from us.

   Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal Prof. Snape storming down the aisle while flicking his wand to shut the blinds on the windows. He reached the front and ripped down the blank projector screen before addressing "Turn to page 394."

3rd POV

   After the order was instructed, all the Gryffindors and Slytherins in attendance began to flip to said page. "Excuse me sir, what happened to Prof. Lupin?" Harry questioned only to be brushed off and ignored. On his way back to the projector, Snape spied a Ronald Weasley barely flipping lazily through his book to result in flicking his wand to make the book rapidly turn to the section intended. "Werewolves?" Ron exclaimed, both surprised by the subject and movement of his book.

   "But sir, we'd just started Redcaps and Hinkypunks. We wouldn't learn about nocturnal beast for weeks." explained Hermione, only to be silenced by Snape's demand for quiet.

   "Now can anyone tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" Snape questioned while showing displays of werewolves and not giving any of the students a chance to answer.

   "Please sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend it crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf will only respond to a call of its own kind." Hermione exasperated only for Malfoy to interrupt with an imitation of a howl. A few people chuckled at their joke, mostly Slytherins while Snape replied "Thank you Mr. Malfoy. That's the second time you've spoken out of term Mrs. Granger. Are you incapable of straining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"

   Ron made a remark to which lead to the loss of five point and an essay about werewolves that was due by Monday morning. Harry pointed out the game tomorrow which Snape countered with no excuse of any kind of not doing it. He continued with the lesson while Harry received a note from Malfoy that depicted a picture of him losing and getting electrocuted. Selena saw the nasty note to only respond with one of her own that she threw at his head that stated "Knock it off!"

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