chapter 1: Wish upon a black star*

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Selena's POV

            "Whooo! Whooo!"  I heard in the distance from the cell door I was currently leaning against. The night air was cool and had a gentle breeze to it. I haven't introduced myself yet..... My name is Selena Aria Callista Black, daughter of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black; or to me... dad. Ya see, I've been in Azkaban prison since I was born, I don't know who my mom is; but dad says I look like her. I mostly look like him; we share the same dark hair- mine curly from mom while his is wavy, personality and sense of humor.  In here, I'm referred to as Azkaban's daughter, pup (dad), songbird, or predator because of my eyes; they're a combination of dad's gray and mom's blue- green plus they sort of glow.

Due to living here, I'm bony, dirty, and my hair is down pass my waist. I share a cell with my dad and Aunt Bellatrix, before she was moved to a separate one. Since I'm a pureblood, dad has been teaching me magic and about the wizarding world.  As I was saying.... I heard the "whooing" grow louder until an owl dropped a letter at my feet. I grab it and see the Hogwarts' insignia, as I was reading I heard dad come up behind me.

"What ya got there?" he asked in his gravelly unused voice. I showed him the letter and wrote the reply "

-Sorry, but due to circumstances I am not able to attend because of prison rule. Have a good day.

-Selena Black"

I gave the letter to the owl and watched it take flight. 'If only' I sighed to myself longingly.

3rd POV

            The owl with the message flew from northern England all the way back to the Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. After reading the reply, he apporated to the minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge's office. Fudge gave a startled yelp as he saw Dumbledore sudden appearance. "What can I do for you Dumbledore?" he asked nervously, not knowing the reason of the headmaster's unannounced presence. "I would like to request something Cornelius." Dumbledore said in a pleasant tone.

  "Of course, what is it?" Fudge breathed a sigh of relief. "I would like to have Selena Black out of Azkaban prison, so she can attend Hogwarts." Dumbledore leveled as he peered at Fudge. Fudge went stark white at the mention of Azkaban's youngest inmate, then livid "Absolutely not! I will not allow a Black out of the prison!" Dumbledore looked at Fudge calmly before questioning "But on what charge? What crime did she commit?" That caused Fudge to freeze, unable to come up with a good enough reason he stated "Because she's a Black and not just any Black, but Sirius Black's spawn!"

Dumbledore countered with "Every child under the age of 17 has the right to learn at any of the magic schools by law." Knowing that he lost, Fudge roared "Fine! Fine! Let her out! But she'll be monitored and put back if she makes the wrong move!"

"Good, now if you mind I have a reply to write to a student. Good day minister." Dumbledore chirped before going back to his office and sending the message back to Selena. The Prophet had a field day when they heard about what happened. Reporters from everywhere came to see the new releasy/ student of Hogwarts. Cameras snapped photos of the short teen and had headlines like "Dumbledore finally lost it!' or 'Murderer's daughter on the prowl!' or 'Azkaban's daughter let loose!" Everywhere her name and photo were plastered, causing a stir in the wizarding world.



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