Chapter 6: Idiot Cousins and Flying

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3rd POV

     The trio made their way towards Hagrid's hut while discussing what happened in their last class. "She's a nutter Harry; she probably made that stuff up." Ron commented as they walked across the bridge and started down the slope.

     "Oh honestly Ron. If you ask me, divination's a wooley discipline. Now, Ancient Runes that's a fascinating subject." said Hermione, her distain for the subject present in her voice.

     "Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking?" Ron asked her.

     "Hang on, that's not possible. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two places at once!" Ron exclaimed as he came up with the calculate result.

     "Oh, don't be silly Ron. How could anyone be in two places at once? Broaden your minds...and use your inner eye to see the future!" Hermione mocked as they laughed the rest of the way to Hagrid's. The jolly half-giant was standing in front of his home with a group of 3rd year Gryffindors and Slytherins. He said that the class was going to be held in the Forbidden Forest and it would be a surprise.

     They came to a clearing not too deep in and waited for everyone to enter as he said "Now I want you to open your books to page 49." All the students' faces held the same expression; wary apprehension. Neville, thinking nothing of it, unlocked the belt around the monster book and was immediately mauled. "And how are we supposed to do that?" sneered Malfoy, holding the living book away from himself by its belt. "Well you stroke the spin of course." Hagrid answered exasperated, as if it were the most obvious or common of knowledge. The trio, walking towards the front walked passed Neville, "You're supposed to stroke it." Ron commented to him before reaching his friends.

     "I think they're funny." stated Hermione, trying to help out Hagrid with her comment.

      "Oh yes, terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears about this." complained Malfoy as he and his gang of friends headed towards them; causing Crabbe to laugh. "Shut up Malfoy." Harry spoke as he took a step forward towards the blonde. Malfoy just smirked and pulled a dementor sighting stunt, causing everyone in the class to look. Malfoy and his friends laughed at their joke and pulled up their hoods to mimic one. "Knock it off cousin." sliced through the Slytherin's laughter causing the attention to shift over to the speaker, the youngest Black. All were stunned by her sudden appearance and by her disregard of her cousin's joke.

     Selena walked toward her older cousin, taking note of her classmates and the golden trio before she stopped beside him. "You know that's not something to joke about." she stated with ice along with the edge of her voice. While she said this, Hermione just sneered at Malfoy and pulled the boys away from the family dispute.

Selena's POV

     Running to Care of Magical Creatures wasn't so hard after I got over the hill and just blended into the back of the class. Apparently we're going into the forest today and having class there. As everyone walked into the forest, I hear the professor say to open our books; followed by my cousin's sneer of a question. I weave through the crowd of thirteen year olds to see the front which occupied my cousin, his friends, and the famous golden trio. 'Why does he have to antagonize them?' I ask myself as I watch their argument. When I saw my cousin play his little joke I decided to step in.

     "Knock it off cousin." was the thing that stopped everyone.

     Apparently no one was expecting my presence because all eyes turned on me as I made my way to Draco. As I'm walking, I notice that my classmates; especially Potter's friends were shocked. The next thing I said to Draco was "You know that's not something to joke about." with ice along its edge. He dropped his head knowing that I took offence to it while everyone else turned away. "Sorry Calli didn't mean it and didn't think you would see." he apologized before I walked away.

3rd POV

     After the little confrontation, Hagrid began by presenting Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Everyone was stunned and wary as Hagrid gave off facts about hippogriffs. "Now who wants to say hello?" Hagrid finished off with a clap of his hands; everyone took a step back leaving Harry to be the only volunteer. "Well done Harry, well done." he said proudly with some relief, while Harry looked from side to side seeing how he was left up front.

     Harry started to approach the creature hesitantly as Hagrid instructed the proper way to greet a hippogriff and after a rocky 5 minutes, he was granted permission to approach. As Harry pet his beak, Hagrid suddenly said "I think he might let you ride him now." After some protests and instructing on foot placement and not to pull out features; they were up in the air flying. They flew over the grounds, the castle, and skimmed across the top of the Black Lake before landing back in the clearing.

     An altercation, involving Malfoy, caused class to end and for him to be carried to the hospital wing. As everyone left for either their next class or free period, a small dark-haired girl was following the half-giant professor to the hospital wing. For the rest of the day, Selena sat next to her cousin's bed while he received visitors from his house; hear the argument between the teachers about what happened, and his complaining of Madame Pomfrey's treatment. The entire student body heard about the incident by the time dinner rolled around, causing people to give their opinions on the topic and notice the missing black princess. The trio noticed it the most and figured her location was with their enemy.

     By curfew, Selena bid Draco good night and was in the common room doing her homework at a table. The students would give her glances every now and then until she packed up for bed. A sigh of relief was released as she exited the room and one by one, everyone was off to bed for the next day to come.

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