Chapter 3: The new 'It' girl

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Selena's POV

Months before....

The reporters were merciless as they took pictures of my inmate uniform and sickly frame. After they finally left, an auroar named Kingsley Shacklebolt came a few days afterward to take me to the ministry. "You take good care of yourself pup and don't let anyone mess with ya." said dad while hugging me tight. "I will dad. I'll miss you." I whispered in his chest, but knew he heard me. "I'll miss you too. We'll see each other again real soon, ok?" he ominously stated.

            Not knowing how to respond, I just went with it and took Kingsley's arm to disapporate to the ministry. After getting there and nearly smashing Fudge's head in for all the stupid rules he set up for me. I was taken to a rehabilitation center to test my knowledge of magic (passed with flying colors) and how to interact with people. I was given a make-over; they cut my hair to shoulder length making the curls on them. Then had my entire body scrubbed thoroughly, shaved, plucked, waxed, and washed.

Given a complete new wardrobe. After everything was done, I was introduced to some relatives that weren't in prison; the Malfoys. "Hello dear, I'm Narcissa Malfoy, my husband Lucius and our son Draco. You two will be in the same year." said a thin woman with blonde hair that looked like Aunty Bella standing next to a tall man with shoulder-length, straight platinum blonde hair and an air of superiority bout him. Next to him was a boy around my age with the same colored hair as the man, but with an arrogance that annoyed me.

Present day

          Now I'm in Diagon Alley shopping for my last minute school supplies like forgotten potion ingredients, quills, a pet, and any books I want. I was dropped off by Hagrid who's a really nice person despite his size. As I was browsing through some stuff outside a shop, I meet up with my cousin Draco who's supposed to look out for me at school. He's not that bad when you get to know him, he's just pressured into a reputation. As we chat, I see a group of redheads and a smaller group containing a girl with bushy brown hair, a lanky redhead and a boy with messy black hair and glasses that was looking at me.

I quickly looked away, but was curious as to who they were. After talking with Draco, I got all the stuff I'm missing; an owl that was gray with streaks of color on the wings and chest, named her Stormy; go up to my room to wait for September.

3rd POV 

          September 1st came quickly, as Harry left with the Weasleys, Selena waited for the auroar team to escort her to Platform 9 ¾. They formed a square around her, boxing her in from unwanted eyes and views. As they walked through the terminal, reporters tried to catch a glimpse of the teen; causing quite a stir in the crowd. Students and parents turned to see the cause and froze in shock and horror as they see the auroars and now student. The sudden silence caught the Weasley party's interest and turn to see.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley both gasp in shock, Fred and George stopped in mid-sentence, Ginny hides behind her older brothers; Hermione clutches onto Ron, Ron's jaw drops and whispers "Merlin's beard, it's her." Harry, confused by their sudden mood, looks over to see the girl from Diagon Alley walking up to the train with the auroar team surrounding her. "Who's that?" he asked curiously, wondering why she was being escorted. "That's Selena Black, daughter of Sirius Black." Hermione answered, shaking Ron out of his stupor and stating "Didn't think she'd be that much of a beauty, she's gorgeous." After being wacked by Hermione for the comment, Harry catches her meeting with the Malfoys before going on the train.

Having found her cousin, Selena is taken on to the Hogwarts Express and went to find her own compartment after biding goodbye. While looking for one that's empty, she was getting constantly stared at by all the students. Finally finding one, she puts her trunk and cage up on the rack and started reading one of her new books. As the train ride commenced, it suddenly stopped. The lights went out, causing some of the first years to scream; but that wasn't the thing that bothered Selena, it was the sudden chill.

As the window started to freeze, she stood up to the door and opened it to a dementor. It floated in all its decaying glory for a second before being thrown against the opposite wall by an unknown force. "Beat it, you're ruining my ride!" snarled the now agitated thirteen year old at the guard before shutting the door and going back to her reading.

Harry's POV

Ron, Hermione, and I finally found a compartment with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R.J. Lupin. "Who is she and why was she with Malfoy?" I asked as we get settled for the long train ride, Ron looked uncomfortable while Hermione answered "She's the youngest inmate to be released not to mention one of the only ones in years. The Malfoys are related to her from his mother's side."

  Ron inputted "All purebloods are related in some way. Ya know the royal family; well the Blacks were and still are the royal family of the Wizarding World. Plus, they're the biggest supports of You-Know-Who around. Their family is known for the dark arts." That got me rethinking about her; I told them about what Mr. Weasley told me and continued talking about Black's daughter. Suddenly, the train stopped and jerked. Then the lights turned off and jerked again, "Did we break down?" I asked. Ron looked out the window, "Something's moving out there." Then it started to freeze; the windows, water, and our breath in smoke. Suddenly the door slowly started to open, leading to a big cloaked figure that floated for a second before turning toward me, sucking all the happiness from the world and someone started screaming before it turned black.



ALSO HAVING CONTEST ON WHO SHOULD PLAY SELENA, SHOULD IT BE Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries or Shelley Hennig, the girl who plays Malia in Teen Wolf; You Decide and Comment

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