The beginning of change

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The town of hope was split. Half still were still against having a woman as their schools football coach, let alone to have girls play, especially the towns only lesbian. While the others were curious as to what the Coach had to offer as an Ex-marine, woman or not she demanded their respect and would not tolerate less. They were hesitant at the new change in Ashley Riley and were unsure how they actually felt about her, especially with the Reverend preaching against her almost every Sunday. What they agreed on however, was the shock they felt, when starting the day after tryouts the football team was seen running at early hours for even them, through town. Everyday they watched as the Riley's and Serrano's, led the group of teens on hour and a half run. The first few days they watched as many students struggled to keep up and lagged behind. What amused them was the next day when the same thing happened, Coach Mia ran behind them shooting the lagers with paint balls. When the group would enter the diner for their break of breakfast and water, which Mia provided many were sporting multiple bruises. When the locals complained of not actual eating the food the diner provided. she slapped multiple bills on the counter and called it their tip for the use of their tables. They would rest for fifteen minutes, before running all the way back to the school to start the day.

This continued for weeks. They practiced plays for two out of the five school days, while the rest was spent working on stamina, agility and strength. They watched for weeks and their respect for the woman coach grew as they saw the teens getting better and stronger than they ever thought was possible. The children had spoken of the school days, telling their family that they were always together, working alongside each other. When the team was first put together there were members that were wary of playing with girls, but quickly got over it as the girls continued to outshine them. Instead of getting upset about it like Chris and his friends had done, they asked to be taught by them. They wanted to be better and if girls had to teach them so be it. By the third week of august the team were regularly working on plays, and more people would come daily to watch them. Yes some were hesitant, but they were growing less so as time passed.

Chris Masters however was growing more and more frustrated. Every time he tried his advances on Emma they were shattered by Emma's group spending most of their time with Ash's. The cheer squad was quite impressed with the new players, especially since many had not given them a chance in the beginning and where now blowing them all away with their hard work and team unity.

To let his frustrations out, he tried to bully and humiliate any innocent students because he thought he could. Although, every time he tried  Ash was there with her group demanding to pick on someone  his own size. Every one had seen her performance against him in the cafeteria, and he was wary of risking it happening again. So he stewed and ranted at his father, who only told him to have patience. The Reverend explained that they had an agreement with the Holmes,  and soon as Emma accepted their engagement they would work on getting the Riley's and their people out of thir town.


Emma stepped into the barn holding Ashley's hand and suddenly felt nervous. Feeling Emma start to shake, Ash gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and caressed her knuckles with her thumb. They took their seats next to Ash's regular group and looked at the Riley and Andrews. Being a Holmes she was always told to avoid them because they were devils and on the path to hell, and after her family has treated them so badly, she was a little nervous to see the looks on their faces. But with another gentle squeeze from Ash she found the courage to look up. The kind looks they sent her way put her at ease instantly as they stood up to greet her. Standing from her seat, she was engulfed  in a hug from Nora Riley.

"Hello dear, I'm so glad your here. The smile on Ashley's face hasn't left in weeks. Even when a beam fell on her head she got up still smiling." giggled Mrs. Riley

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