Chapter 2

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I heard the alarm start ringing. Groaning I reached over to turn it off. Rubbing my eyes I rolled back over and began to study the body currently sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful. The sunlight that crept into our room illuminating all his features. It was rare moments like this when I was reminded why I fell in love with this man. Knowing that we both had to actually get up and I couldn't stare at him all day, I began to gently nudge his shoulder.

"Owen...owen wakey wakey eggs and bacey" I whispered to him. He just mumbled a bunch of incoherent words before rolling over. Sighing I rolled him back over and climbed on top of him. Leaning down I began to peck his lips lightly. "Wake [kiss] up [kiss] sleepy head [kiss] its [kiss] your [kiss] turn to [kiss] make breakfast"

He just opened his eyes and smiled at me. Sitting up he kissed me quickly. "Mmmm...Morning beautiful" he yawns.

"Good morning" I smile at him. "I call dibs on first shower....besides you need to get up and moving" I jump off him and begin to walk through into the bathroom.

"Toast and Coffee for breakfast as we haven't got anything else" he called through to me a little while later.

Smiling I finished up my shower. Dressing in my strappy top, shorts and one of Owens shirts, I pulled my hair into a ponytail, pulled on my boots and made my way into the kitchen. Taking my mug from Owens hands I quickly place a kiss on his lips and sit down to eat some toast.

"Help yourself to my clothes why not?" He jokes

"It looks better on my anyway" I smile. "Waters still hot if you wanna have a quick shower...i gotta run. I need to talk to Barry this morning and do my daily session with the Raptors all before I've gotta meet Claire at 1."

"You better get going then.. See at the cage later then....Love you" He hugs me goodbye.

"Love you too" I whisper in his ear. Then grabbing my car keys I quickly kiss his cheek and race out the door.

I made it to the Raptor cage in No time. Today I played Mozart to the Raptors. They didn't like it. Any of it. Noting down my findings I then went to find Barry. Like usual at this time in the morning he was setting up Blue and Delta in their special harness cage things so they can't bite anyway. Walking over to Blue I began to stroke her gently. The strangest thing happened she actually tried to muzzle my hand. I looked over at Barry, He looked just as confused. Suddenly I heard both Blue and Delta make a soft growling noise in perfect sync, no sooner had they made that sound I felt sick to my stomach again. Racing out I ran into the main building just in time.

As I emerged from the building I came face to face with Barry. "Okay (y/n) what's going on with you? Your being sick a whole lot more....the Raptors are behaving weird around you for the past few weeks. It's like they sense something we can' spill what's going on?"

I just shrugged. "Barry Honestly I'm now sure why the Raptors are behaving like that....maybe they can sense changes in me" I say rubbing my stomach.

Barry looks at me. I can tell when he finally picks up on what I'm hinting at because his eye light up. "Oh my goodness. Oh (y/n) Congratulations my dear....Oh you and Owen must be so happy...When did you find out? How did he react to you telling him?"

"Woooh Barry slow down...Owen doesn't know yet. I keep meaning to tell him but the right time never pops up. And recently we've both been really busy....that and I'm scared how he's going to react" I admitted

"Hey...Owen loves you..everyone can see it so I'm sure he's going to be thrilled... but last far gone?"

I hold up ten fingers. Barry just smiles and pulls me into a hug "I'm so happy for you" he whispers in my ear again. Suddenly we hear the familiar sound off Owens bike rumbling up to the cage. "You need to tell him" Barry nudges me.

"I will I promise but just promise to keep it a secret until I get chance to talk to him" I plead with him.

"I promise..but tell him sooner rather than later"

"Promise" I smile at Barry then walk over to meet Owen. "Hey babe. Guess what?"

"What?" He smiled hugging me.

"The Raptors hate Mozart" I smile

"I could have told you are they today anyway?" He asks

"Good...surprisingly calm...if your gunna try train them id do it know before they get too rowdy" I tell him leaning against him playing with the collar of his shirt while he holds me by the waist.

"Thanks for the advice...want a list quickly to the innovation centre to meet Claire..its just your car is slow and it's already half past 12"

"Shit." I exclaim. "Its a forty minute car journey..are you sure you'll be able to....I mean the Raptors need training too."

"Anything for you...besides I've got another hour before I'm due to start just hop on and hold on" he says gesturing for me to climb on behind him. Smiling I jumped on and wrapped my arms around him.

20 minutes later we arrived. Climbing off the bike I smiled at Owen. "Thanks babe...i couldn't deal with Claire complaining at me literally just saved my skin"

"Your welcome...besides its only because I love you I did it"

"I love you too" I hug him and quickly kiss him goodbye. "Owen tonight we're having a special dinner...ive got something important to tell you...anyway gotta run. Play nice with Blue and I'll see you later love you" I told him before rushing off into the building.

The Alpha and Me {Owen Grady Love story}Where stories live. Discover now