July 8, 2015- Braces

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At about 6p.m. I am waiting nervously at the dentist in mexico.
I'm not getting braces back home because they are way too expensive there.
So I traveled to mexico, and am going to get my braces pretty soon.

My older brother, christian, went first because he knew I was afraid. So now I wait patiently and nervously in a black chair in the waiting room. I flip through T.V channels while I'm waiting, and stop on a music channel, where they often play P!ATD, so I just leave it there. The people around me stare at me, and back at the T.V.
I keep turning over to see if Christian has come out yet, a few minutes later, he does. I go over to him and hug him, take a look at his braces, and when he tells me it didn't hurt him, go in.

The dentist is dressed in a regular t-shirt and jeans. He must be somewhat unproffesional. Which scares me.

He puts this seperator in my mouth, and I gag for a few seconds, while he puts on my braces, I keep thinking about people that I know, what will they think about my braces?
The rubber band proccess hurts a bit, but it doesn't last. He removes the thing from my mouth and I stand up and go back to my brothers. Heh. That wasn't bad.

But as soon as we get home, the pain starts to creep up on me. It's almost like a headache but in your teeth. I could sleep that night, which was good.

-JULY 9, 2015-

I wake up, and there really isnt anything to feel. All I feel is pain. My brother, Christian, hugs me and goes off to school for three hours. But sometimes the 3 hours he's gone feel like forever. While he's at school, My grandmother and I go the drop off some bank stuff. We go to the store, and since me and my brother both got braces, I buy him and icecream, and brace cleaners. Becuase who can forget that stuff? c:

We get home, and he arrives a while later, and since he is such a good person, he pays me back and thanks me for the icecream. We watch T.V. For a short ammount of time... And then we go to church. :c
Lets just say I'm not a big fan of church. I love god and all, but church is not my thing, If I do a single thing wrong, I get frowned upon. So no, I despise church. Everyone cries at church, while I'm stuck on the floor wondering what's going on. Another thing is, the church sayings are in spanish! So I really don't understand a thing!!! :c

After church, we get home around 8, and Christian tells me that his teeth hurt a bit, and I just shrug it off, knowing that it will probably wear off in a while; but it doesn't.

I serve him soup, but he hardly eats it becuase his teeth hurt badly.
My grandmother gives him a pain killer with water, but he chokes on it, and just doesn't get better. He says he is going to go lay down for a while. After time, I walk over to him, he is flat on the bed and I can see tears in his eyes about to form. It must hurt him badly. I walk to the bathroom and cry silently, hoping noone will hear me. I just sit there curled up into a ball and cry for my dear brother. I don't want him to feel any pain. I wish he will get better in the morning.

I wait in there for a while, letting the tears dry, and letting my face go back to normal, hiding the fact that I was crying. After that, I go back to the room and kneel down beside him. I take his head in my hands and kiss his forehead, and fix his hair. As I stand up to leave, I hear him whisper a small "thank you" and those two words help me sleep at night. But even as I'm sleeping, I'm still crying for him.

-JULY 10, 2015-

We all wake up and Christian tells us he feels much better, which puts a big smile on my face.

Wishes really do come true.

-continued in next chapter: July 10, 2015-

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