July 17th, 2015- day before

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Deeply sorry about not writing for a while, been busy.

Anyways, today, early in the morning, I was invited by two of my cousins and my aunt over to dairy queen for brunch, so I happily accepted, I was truthfully only going for the icecream. c:

Before that, at about 4:30 or 5:00 p.m, I had to go to the dentist to get replacement brackets, becuase I was gonna leave the day after. So I was there, and I heard that they arrived halfway while I was getting them on, and I kept hearing
"She's not even done yet!"
"She better be done!"

And it kind of upset me :c
And what made it worse was that when I did come out, they all acted as if it never happened.

So there we went off to dairy queen, and met their mom there.
I gotta say, my aunt is badass xD I really like her.

We met up with my grandmother at a park and from there we went shopping for some souviniers (however you spell that chet)

And I got my mum a gucci bag ;-; $1000 that chet was.
I'm such a good cookieh.
I remember back in 2nd grade I got my teacher a gucci bag ;-;
She was crying tears of teacher tears. (xD) biatch didn't even say thank you.

So we were walking back home, and me and my grandparents and my big brother were talking about chet. And that's pretty much how I spent my friday.

~JOKE OF THE DAY! By: My brother, Christian~

There was the lady, and she and her husband were having problems, so one day, her boss comes up to her and says "I know you and your husband are having profit problems, and having you know, I not only hired you because you're smart, but you are really attractive. And I wanted to make an offer. I'm gonna throw a 50 on the ground, and at the moment you pick it up, you're mine. If you even budge to pick it up, you are instantly mine." So the lady says "I'll have to let my husband know." So the boss pulls out his phone and hands it to her, so she can call him.
She calls him.
"Honey, my boss if offering me this." And she explains everuthing to him,
"Honey, don't do it." Her husband says.
"But we need the money, dear."
So the husband thinks, "okay. You're right. But call me RIGHT after you're done!"
"Okay." She agrees.

5 hours pass and she hasn't called. Until she does,
"What the heck?! What took you so long?!"

"Oh honey, it's just-" she is gasping "my boss kept throws millions of 50¢ coins and I kept having to pick them up"



It's about 11p.m, and Christian and I are talking with my younger brother.
And I tell him that I'm going to try to cry to let away any tears that won't belong tommorow.
We start crying.
Truthfully, I'm going to miss him above all people. Him, and only him. We hug in the dark.

He says to me while picking up a doll. It's Kermit from The Muppets, as a firefighter. It was his favorite thing ever as a child.
"If you have room in your suitcase tommorow, take this to remember me." He says those words slowly, tears in his eyes, that are quickly falling to the ground. I loudly sob, as I take it into my hands and hold it tightly. I'm going to miss my brother.

He calls my brother, and we all hug in the dark, and he says that he loves us and he is goinh to miss us. He's usually not the type to say those things, but he does.

My younger brother lays down, and I say,

"The bad thing is, Tony's not going to cry." With tears in my eyes.
"It's okay, he's too young to understand." And I stand there. Crying.

We go to bed, and I can't sleep at all. I keep thinking about my brother, and how I'm going to miss him.

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