Chapter 2: First Day Leads To Quite A Surprise

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Austin's POV

Beep, beep, beep, beep, be- I press on the snooze button of my alarm clock on my night stand besides my bed, groaning. I groggily get out of my bed and stand up, stretching. My mom comes barging into my room, with a pan and wooden spoon in her hands. She looks towards my bed, probably still expecting me to be in bed, but instead realizes I'm awake. She sees me, widening her eyes a bit. She gives me a sheepish grin.

"Oh hey honey! You're up. I was... well you know, still expecting you to be in bed. I was going to wake you up with this." She says, motioning to the pan and spoon in her hands. I look at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Since you are a heavy sleeper of course." She continues. "I wanted you to be up early for your first day of senior year. My my, my baby is growing up so fast!" She says, approaching me and pinching my cheek. I resist it, and pull my face away from her grasp.

"Mom!" I whine. "I'm not a little kid anymore! I appreciate you wanting to help me though. You know me well." I say, chuckling slightly.

"I know you aren't a little boy anymore, but you will always be in my eyes. You're becoming a senior today, and it's hard to believe you're almost graduating." She says, her eyes getting a little watery. I look down at her and smile, embracing her in a hug to make her feel better. I'm slightly a little taller than her, so my chin rests on the top of her head. She wraps her arms around my torso.

"I know mom. I'm going to make this year the best year ever. I'll make it last." I say to her. She leans back and gives me a kiss on the cheek, still remaining in my arms. She pulls away.

"Get ready for school Austin, you don't want to be late. Breakfast will be downstairs when you're ready." My mom says, walking out of my room.

"Alright, thanks." I reply back. I head into the bathroom in my room and brush my teeth. I take a quick shower and get dressed.

I decided to wear a black leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up and a navy blue v-neck under it. I also wore my light denim blue skinny jeans in contrast to the navy blue v-neck I wore and also put on my black Converse high tops. I had a chain hanging from the belt loops of my jeans, my white watch on my left wrist, and my usual dog whistle necklace around my neck. I left my hair alone, letting it swoop in front of my eyes.

I walked down the stairs, into the kitchen. I could smell the scent of delicious pancakes as I walked down. I was mesmerized by the amazing pancakes my mom was making as I came into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper and drinking some coffee, with an almost finished plate of toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs. My dad puts his newspaper down, giving me a wide smile.

"Good morning son. Ready for a new year?" He asks me as I take a seat next to him.

"Yeah I am." I respond. He smiles and nods, looking back at his newspaper.
My mom walks over to me with a plate of pancakes, with about 6 pancakes on it. I loved pancakes, and my mouth was getting watery just at the sight of them. She places the plate in front of me. "Eat up Austin." I nod quickly, taking the syrup and pouring a big pool of it on top of the pancakes. I grab my fork and dig in.

My mom pours a glass of orange juice for me, and places it on the table. I give her a muffled 'thank you' while I continue to eat, and she nods.

"So Austin," My mom starts to ask as she washes some dishes. "Have you asked out Ally yet?" My eyes widen, and I start choking a little. My dad pats my back, and I have a coughing fit. I grab the glass of orange juice, and take a drink.

"Mom!" I gasp, still having a hard time breathing. "Why would you think I would?" I ask her, trying to drop the subject. I didn't really like talking about my personal relationship life, unless my mom or dad asked about it. Or, when I personally wanted to talk to them about it.

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