Chapter 6: Did He Just Ask Me What I Think He Did?

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Ally's POV

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock continues its ticking, alarming me that time is passing, and fast. I was in my AP Calculus class at the moment, taking a test. Math, just like every other subject, is my specialty, but this test is taking me a while to do. Luckily, I'm almost done.

The small chatter of the students behind me trying to cheat off each other is getting quite annoying, and I'm surprised the teacher hasn't caught them. I keep it to myself and finish the last question on my test.

Rinnnnggggg! The bell rings, signaling that this period is over. I grab my stuff, hand my test in to the teacher, and make my way out the door.

As I head out, I see Elliot. He was just inside the class I was in, but he sits a few rows away from me. He approaches me.

"Hey Ally." He says with a smile.

"Hey Elliot, what did you think about that test? Is Mr. Mason being too hard on us?" I say. He smiles.

"Not at all. Personally, I like math. I feel like I aced that test." He replies.

"Well, we will see about that. How's the soccer team working out?" I ask. Yeah, Elliot tried out for the soccer team, and he got in! He's very talented.

"It's going great, the guys are super cool. We have a game tonight to kick off the season. I was wondering if you would like to come watch the game. You know, to support me?" He says.
It is Friday after all, so why not?

"Sure, I'd like that. I'll be the one on the bleachers yelling out 'go Elliot!'" I tell him. He laughs.

"Alright, cool! I'm glad I'll have you there with me." He says. That makes me blush a little, and I don't know why. We walk to our next class together, in a comfortable silence.
Finally, it's lunch. It's been a long day. I go in the cafeteria and quickly grab my lunch. I then go and sit at our usual table. Dez and Trish are already there.

Elliot is hanging out with his soccer buddies for most of the time these days. And I don't mind, I'm glad he made new friends. He's a cool guy.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down across from them.

"Hey girl." Trish says, drinking her iced tea.

"Sup Ally." Dez says, writing some stuff on a paper. I guess he's finishing some last minute homework.

"Where's Austin? He's usually here by now." I ask them. Soon after, my question is quickly answered. Two hands cover my eyes from behind me. I smile.

"Guess who sweetheart." Austin says. I could always recognize his voice anywhere.

"Is it my favorite blonde?" I ask. He laughs.

"Ding ding ding! You win." He says, removing his hands. He takes a seat next to me.

"How's it going everyone?" Austin says.

"It's going good." I say.

"Thank god it's almost the weekend." Trish says, jumping in. Dez rolls his eyes. That's typical Trish for you.

"I finally get to work on my new movie this weekend!" Dez says, excitedly. I wonder what it's about.

"Oh! I just remembered." I say as I dig into my sandwich. "I'm going to Elliot's soccer game tonight. He invited me." I finish. I see Austin widen his eyes. Trish and Dez just sit there, smirking. Oh great.

"You're going to his soccer game?" Austin asks slowly. I raise an eyebrow, looking at him.

"Uh... yeah. He invited me. I want to go and support him." I tell him. Why is he so superstitious about me going?

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