Chapter 7: You Hear That Cracking Sound? Yeah, That's My Heart

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Austin's POV

"Man, what the hell? This line is taking forever!" I say, getting frustrated. I wanted to buy a soda, just a damn soda, but this line is taking too long. I've been here for 15 minutes, and the line hasn't moved at all. I look at my watch, yup 15 minutes. This is stupid.

The soccer game was already over, not that I cared, but I'm just going to go look for Ally now. Before she goes off with 'El'. She even has a freaking nickname for the prick. Ugh!

Elliot has been getting on my last nerve these last few days. I fucking hate him. I'm fighting the urge of punching him so badly, and I'm staying away from him just to not upset Ally. I don't want her getting upset with me.

But at the same time, I hate that she's defending him! Don't call him names Austin, leave him alone Austin, be nicer to him Austin. Oh if you knew what he is capable of Ally, you wouldn't be defending him. He's taking all his fucking chances to spend time with her. If he ends up asking her out, I don't know what the hell I'll do. I can't let him ask her out. Not ever.

As I walk back to the bleachers, I don't see Ally. Huh, weird. She usually always waits for me. I take a look around the place, and finally spot her. She is down in the field... with pretty boy. Oh great.

I walk to where they are, and I see Elliot telling Ally something. I don't know what he's telling her, but I sure as hell want to find out. As I get closer, their conversation becomes a lot more clearer. I don't want to make it too obvious that I'm eavesdropping, so I hide behind some bleachers, just a few feet away from where they are.
I lean in to listen more carefully, and I hear something I never ever wanted to hear in my life.

"Ally, will you go on a date with me?" Elliot says. And that's where my heart breaks. It gets stomped on, spit at, kicked, and thrown to the crib.

I can't fucking believe it. HE ASKED HER OUT! What the fuck! Even if I don't want to continue listening to this conversation, I still remain there. I look to see if Ally as given him an answer. It looks like she hasn't.

"Elliot, I don't know what to say." She replies, clearly surprised. Elliot's smile fades a bit, but he quickly regains his confidence. He grabs a hold of Ally's hands. I grit my teeth and bunch up my hands into fists until my knuckles turn white. That should be me, I hear my inside voice repeat. That should be me.

"Give it a try Ally. It's worth a shot. I'll tell you this: if you agree to go out with me, and the date is a total success, then it was meant to be. If you agree, but the date doesn't go well, we will remain friends, and I won't ask you out again. But please Ally, consider it. I really like you." Elliot tells her. So do I, I feel like shouting.

"I think I might really like you too." Ally tells him. His smile widens, and he looks into Ally's eyes. My heart breaks again. I feel like I've been kicked in the gut multiple times.

"So? Is that a yes?" Elliot asks, hopeful. Ally gives him a wide smile. She nods.

"Yes it is. I'd love to go on a date with you El." She replies. And that's the sentence that kills me. Elliot however, smiles like a maniac.

"Awesome!" He says. "How does a movie and some food after sound? Tomorrow night? 6 o'clock?" He asks. That should be me asking her. Even if this is hurting me, I still stick around. I've got to hear everything, even if it hurts to listen to.

"Sounds good." She replies, smiling. He smiles. I would do anything for that to be me.

"Alright cool! I'll pick you up. See you tomorrow then?" He says.

"Yeah, of course." She says. He gives her one last smile, and leaves with his soccer teammates. He sees me behind the bleachers and approaches me. I look at him with hate in my eyes. I cross my arms across my chest. He smirks at me.

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