Chapter 8: First Dates Are Not What They Usually Seem

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Ally's POV

"So, I was thinking. This shirt... With these jeans?" I ask Trish, holding each article of clothing in one hand. She tilts her head to the side a bit.

"Hmmm... I like that. What if you pair up the shoes you suggested before with this as well? Oh, and maybe the jacket too?" She says. I think for a minute.

"Yeah, I think that would be good. It's not going to be a fancy date and all, so I'm sure this is fine." I say. She nods in agreement.

"Thanks again Trish, I'm really nervous for tonight. What if he ends up not liking me? What if I do something so stupid I'll never be able to forgive myself? What if-"

"Ally!" She says, cutting me off. "Everything will go fine. Why wouldn't he like you? A lot of people usual do! And c'mon, you're so pretty... That's a plus." She finishes. I laugh.

"I guess you're right. I shouldn't freak out. I'm just going to relax for a while... He won't be here until 7. And it's... 3:09." I tell her.

"Good idea. Since my work here is done, I better start heading out. I promised my mom I would help her do the laundry." Trish says, getting up.

"Okay, thanks again for coming to help me. I really needed it." I say, giving her a quick hug. She smiles.

"Anytime. Tell me how everything goes." I nod, as she walks out of my room.

"Definitely. See you later Trish." I say. And like that, she's gone. Not even a second after she leaves, I hear a soft knock on my window. The sight of blonde hair takes me to a realization.

"Austin?" I say, opening the window for him. "Why did you climb up? I could have just opened the front door for you. I'm home alone you know."

"I wanted to try something new Als. Climbing your tree wasn't that hard you know." He says, getting through the window. He walks to my desk and sits.

"Sure, take a seat." I say, sarcastically. He rolls his eyes playfully.

"So, how's it going sweetheart?" He asks, playing with my keyboard.

"Well, why don't you explain something to me first mister? Why did you leave the game early yesterday?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest. He shifts in his seat uncomfortably and stands up.

"I told you, I was feeling a little sick. That's all." He says, standing in front of me. I wasn't convinced.

"I know you're lying Austin. Tell me the truth. Why did you leave?" I ask again. He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm not lying Ally. I was sick, there's nothing more to it. My stomach was hurting, and I had to go home." He says. He still wasn't convincing me, so I'll let it go. I sigh.

"Alright, whatever then. I can't really hang out right now Austin. I've got a date tonight." I say. He frowns.

"Uh yeah... I heard. Have fun I guess. I'll leave you to it then." He says, walking out of my room. I grab his arm.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that-" He pulls away from my grasp.

"Sure you didn't Ally. I'll get out of your way, don't worry. Go out with Elliot, see if I care." He says, irritated.

"Austin! C'mon, you're acting like a little kid. Talk to me! What's wrong? I know when there's something wrong that's bugging you." I say. "Wait, how did you know it's Elliot?" I ask.

"What does it matter Ally? I'll just leave, forget it okay?! I don't want to take anymore of your precious time. I'm fine! I don't want to start yelling at you." He says, raising his voice. And like that, he leaves. I sigh.

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