Chapter 1 Where Do I Start

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So this was inspired by Dear Elizabeth and I though what if I combine and make it like another book I love By:GrayWolf145(14 Letters a Pentatonix Fan Fic)If you have not read either of those books you are not living! Just Kidding and I Checked with GrayWolf that is was ok.Soooo yea.....Press the vote button and leave a comment PLEASE!!

It was a normal day at the Post Office. Ressler was the first one there; then Cooper, third was Aram and Samar, next was Liz, then last but not least The Concierge of Crime walks in with Dembe.

"Ress..." He looked up from his computer to Liz. "Yea.."He says, then taking a sip of his third cup of coffee . "Did you put this on my desk?" She asks waving a letter in front of his face trying to still wake him up.

"No...maybe its from Red." He bounces his eyebrows. He was the only one who figured out her 'little' crush on Red. "Haha very funny, he's out there you know." As almost right on cue Red strode into their shared office.

"Lizzie, Harold wants you to come with me to my next 'meeting'."

"Every time you meet...someone ends up dead."Ressler retorts still trying to wake up. "I never asked you Donnie boy, are you still hungover from the weekend?" He asked every word filling with arrogance.

Ressler scoffed,"Can you just leave?"

Red huffed,"Very well, but I must acquire Lizzie's company." As Liz was getting ready to leave Donald pulled her ear close to his mouth, "Don't get to physical in the car, we need you at work, if you do...use protection." He teased. Liz's face turned bright red, she quickly looked up, thankfully Red hadn't heard, but she still punched Don in the arm.

"Lizzie you'll need your cover." Red said handing her a file. Their hands touched...she held her breath,'Relax Liz he doesn't like you like that.'She thought.His heart stopped, oh how he wished for their hands to touch daily. Her eyes reached his thin curved lips wanting to just tell him how she feels. Lizzie pulls her hand away taking the file to her side of the back seat.

For the most part, the meeting went smoothly...except for the part where Red almost killed someone. Liz slumped back in her office chair, spinning in circles trying to clear her head of Reddington. She looks by her computer, something was sticking out of all the paperwork that was scattered around her desk, it was the letter from earlier today.
She ripped the seal.

Dear Liz,
Where do I start...God I love you so much. Your what makes coming to work everyday worth it. Every time I look into your big blue eyes I get lost in them they make me forget the life I live and try to imagine our future together. You probably won't ever love me back but this is the closest way I can tell you how I feel, without giving away my name. Do you remember how we all laughed when Cooper made that joke about Bananas and then some how it got tied to Don?

Your everything I've ever dreamed of; a tough, independent, street-smart, gorgeous, just, kind woman. I probably shouldn't even have tried to write this, your just going to shun me and make my life more miserable than it already is. Well do you like it?If you do leave a letter of return in the guys locker room. I guess each letter I write I'll maybe get a clue if your lucky... Alright I'm in a good mood today, my favorite gun is a Colt .45 1911

Your Secret Admirer

Liz sighed, tears threatening to spill. Someone actually cares, loves her, thinks about enough to write her secret admirer letters that teenage girls would swoon over. Who was it? It couldn't be Cooper he was married and faithful to Charlene. Could it be one of the nerd techs here, which led her to think of Aram, but he was involved with Samar. It could be Ress...'nah,he loves me like a little sister. But he also isn't romantically involved with anyone.' She thinks. Her hopeless romantic side for Red comes he would write, he doesn't use technology. It was typed... A thought hit her she could get Aram to check for fingerprints. There she'll find out quick, but she needs to write a response.

Dear secret admirer or whatever the hell your name is,

I love this, write back soon!


When she was little she loved scavenger hunts and this would be the biggest one yet. To find her secret admirer....

So what do ya think?????Please give me some feedback!!!🙏

Letters From No One (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora