Chapter 3 Donuts And Teasing

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Liz had always thought she'd be married by 26, have at least two children by 29  and be a brilliant recognizable profiler by 30. Living in a wonderful house with a loving husband and adorable children.

That is not like her life now...Living in motel after motel under alias's, eating Chinese leftovers for breakfast. Just going through the motions everyday.


All she had to look forward to was letters..since they started coming. Everyone noticed Elizabeth Keen was happier than before Tom had ruined her life.

But still she lived in motels switching every other day to a new one. She felt so bad that she gave Hudson to Ellie. Ellie was the only one who had figured out who Tom truly was. It had been a year since Tom left on his boat and had been traveling place to place and had lost contact with Liz.

Liz bounced into the post office. As usual she was the second to last one there. They all knew Red had arrived when Dembe carried in five boxes of donuts. Ranging from all different types, he must have been a really good mood, to bring them from the most expensive donut shop in all of D.C.

"Thanks Reddington." Donald says munching on one.

"You know Donald get some manners and you might find yourself a girlfriend...Also you should know that had the Boston Red Sox insignia put on the front on it." He finished with a boyish grin on his face. Which Liz thought was the cutest thing ever, she had to physically shake herself away from that thought.

They had all laughed, even Dembe chuckled.

"I'm gonna get you back old man, you know I hate Boston!" Don shouted pointing his finger at Red.

It was another day catching a Blacklister. They had gone through a car chase, guns going off in every direction, and getting covered in yellow snow(imagine what that smells like). It had all worked out at the end of the day though.

Liz and Samar were the last ones there, Liz had entered her office and ran the short distance to her desk.Her heart sunk there was no letter...

"Keen, someone from the nerd squad gave this to me and said it was from someone else." Samar quipped after knocking.

"Oh thanks..." Lizzie tried to remain as calm as possible, Agent Navabi was holding up another letter.

"So you know who this came from." She asked, Liz shook her head.

"Well if I didn't know better, I would say this is a secret admirer letter." Samar wiggled her eyebrows the whole time she said it.

"Because it is. Do you have any idea who could send this?" She asked the other female.

"There is the nerd group, and Donald." She said gazing off. Liz audibly sighed another person who didn't think Red was an option.

"You like Reddington don't you?" It was more of a statement then a question. Lizzie blushed shaking her head a no. Samar could see straight through that lie after all she was Mossad.
"Ya know I think he likes you too. I see the way he looks at you it doesn't take a genius to tell." Liz sunk back in her chair, "He treats me like a daughter he would never like or love me the same way." She complains.

Agent Navabi jumped off of Ressler's desk and bid Liz a goodnight and on her way out since no one was there she screamed, "Lizzie and Ray sitting in a room. Don't know what they're doing but it sure ain't rated G.
Starts with an S ends with a X.
OH MY GAWD THERE HAVING SE-" She was cut of by Liz screaming 'shut up'.

On the drive home Liz was still blushing about Samar said when she was leaving. Oh how she wished that could be true...
'No Liz, he's like a father to you he would never like you like that must less make love to you!' Her stubborn side kicked in.

She kicked off her shoes and flopped down on the bed and carefully opened the letter.

My dearest Elizabeth,

I love you and don't anybody tell you different. If I even show my face, you'd never believe it was me this whole time. Trust me if your even thinking this is Donald.She gasped,this could be a finishing piece to the puzzle. Almost told you there didn't I, your probably thinking what a asshat for doing that to you, but secretly I'm a man who wishes he were a boy again. Did you see the look on Don's face when Reddington gave him that donut? Still after all the work we do, we still manage to find time to laugh, and joke around like a family. How I wish I you could be the mother of my children finally have a family where I can fully protect them from everything. Now that I've lost the girls I loved before, I know how vital it is to keep you safe, not just for you, but for me also.

Your Secret Admirer

So that part where Samar was teasing Liz I actually got that from a comment that was on a Harry Potter fan fiction book.(I can't remember which book or user😁)So yeah...the people who created Wattpad made that little vote button for a reason😉

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to just love and be loved in return."
                  Moulin Rouge
             ( ⏫I love that movie)

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