Chapter 4 Late Night Conversations

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Lizzie had decided to go in early to finish the paperwork she left for this morning. Surprisingly she was the first one there normally Donald would be here by now, 'maybe he brought his home' she thought.

She was in the middle of a sentence when she heard his soothing deep voice, "Lizzie what are you doing here so early?" He asked, he was going to deliver her letter and come back later to actually work.

"I-I was coming in early to finish the paperwork we had from last night?" She stuttered, wondering why on earth Red would be here at this hour.

"As I remember you were one of the last ones to leave last night. Am I correct?" He said with a mask on his face that she hated

"Yea...How do you know that? You were one of the first ones who left, matter a fact you were the first one." She turned away from her computer and look up and saw his look of surprise. He was surprised, his Lizzie knows when he left. That may not seem like much to you, but to him it was a flicker of hope.


She huffed,"Raymond Reddington and all his I's sound like your a scared little boy afraid to give his math presentation." She teased her voice light with humor. He fake glared at her, "Not fair Lizzie I was surprised to see you here at this hour."

She looked up with her big blue eyes, making it almost impossible for him not to grin like a fool in love.

"Red why are you here so early?" She asked staring intently up at him.
"Lizzie I was here to deliver breakfast." He lied, she raised her eyebrows. "Then where is it?"

"Damn it Lizzie."He muttered.

"I was getting here so I could personally deliver them when Dembe gets her." He snapped, she looks down scared and embarrassed.


"You want to know the real reason?"He asked her, his nerves going into overdrive.

She nodded, he strode over to her and cupped her face."Elizabeth Keen I love you no matter what that will not change." He hesitantly brushed his lips against hers. Only when she rubbed small circles on his arms to tell him that it's ok did the sparks fly.

He kissed her soundly running his hands through her silky brown hair. Liz hung onto him tightly her fingers clawing onto the lapels of his jacket.

"Lizzie oh my Lizzie, only God knows how much I love you." He said panting .He looked down at her his eyes filled with lust. He rambled on about he loved her until she cut him off . "Shut up and kiss me Ray."
He grinned, "You don't have to ask me twice."

That led to something else when they got back to his latest safe house.

Liz woke up from her steamy dream. She turned to face the clock on the motel nightstand.9:57 AM.

Shit, she had to be there at 10:30 she jumped out of bed like it was Christmas. Hopped in the car and managed to look presentable (from all the Red lights) and walked in at 10:24.

"Well some one over slept, did you dream about your Raymond?" Ressler teased as she came into their shared office.
"I don't have time for this Ress. Where are my papers?"

Don cleared his throat,

He was holding up the Stack of papers half finished.

"Thank you so much Ress."

She started to calm down after her panic attack.

"But next time I won't be so generous. Seriously Keen get it together, your the one that keeps Reddington coming back with more Blacklisters. If you two get together then break up it could be disastrous!"

She nodded. Maybe he was the secret letter writer trying to keep her away from Red.

'Sorry Donald my heart says Raymond .' She thought which caused her to remember her dream.

It felt so real...he felt so real. She didn't have time to process this morning that it was a dream.

Why does everything she want turn into dreams but not reality?

She was soon brought back to reality when A.C called them to the War room for a meeting.

"Reddington is out of town for the next two weeks. He has given us a 'small fish' as he calls them to take care of. Agent Navabi will debrief you." He explained.

Her heart immediately sunk at his first words, no more Red for two weeks. No more boyish grins, flirting with all the girls at the P.O, no donuts for breakfast on Monday's and Wednesday's.

Liz hadn't realized till now that it was more than just a tiny crush on her father-figure. All her thoughts always got back to him. He had touched every aspect of her life, from little to big from the day he surrendered to the F.B.I. She loves him in a different way then he'll ever love her.

No matter what, nothing is going to change that he lights up my whole world.She thought

The two weeks had gone by so slowly she thought she was going to die of boredom.

Lizzie left the Post Office later than usual. She had been ignoring her paperwork while Red was gone.Point is she couldn't focus without knowing he'd be there the next morning. She drove home just wanting to crawl up in the bed, but she knew she had to get a shower and eat. She decided on the shower first, even if she was going to get take-out she didn't want to smell like a sewer rat.

She groaned, the water was always cold, not even luke-warm, just cold. I mean sure it felt good after a long day of work, but after a few minutes her teeth were chattering. She quickly wrapped the scratchy towel around he body and went to go find some jeans and a sweatshirt.

Right as she opened the door she saw Red. Before her mind could process what her heart had told her to do, she had launched herself into him.

"I'm very flattered that you missed me that much Lizzie, but you know I'm not the hugging type." He said sweetly in her ear.

"I-I-I I'm sorry." She said backing away and blushing highly embarrassed, he chuckled, "Nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm a highly lovable person, well to some people."He said smugly

She punched him lightly on the arm, "You're so full of yourself Red, but yes it was quite boring, without you and Ressler acting like children and bickering all the time." He just smiled, it was so hard for him not to smile, for all the love and adoration he held for her. "I knew you'd be hungry so I brought you something from Italy." He handed her the bag and coughed briefly into his hand, turned around and started to walk off.

"Wait Red!" Liz shouted probably waking some people up, "Stay with me please." She said the last part quietly.

He raised his eyebrows at her, "Why do you want me to stay with you Lizzie?" She looked down and felt the blush cross across her cheeks. "Well I've been lonely and Aram and Samar are out on a date tonight." She muttered.

"If I must." He said jokingly, she just smiled, he had agreed.

They talked until it was three in the morning, just enjoying each other's company.

"Well look at the time, I see you in a few hours Lizzie." He bent down and kissed her cheek. Which caused them both to turn red as a tomato.

He closed the door and called Dembe to come pick him up, he sat down on the steps and looked at the bright lights of D.C and all he could think about was His Lizzie.

"Love is a promise;
love is a souvenir,
once given never forgotten,
never let it disappear."
-John Lennon

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