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FYI: The Cabal framing Liz never happened, and Red becomes a free man. Who doesn't like a happy ending? 😈😈😈😈😈😈

"Lizzie?" Red called when he heard the door open. "I'm coming." He got up when he heard her come near. He kissed her forehead, like he did every night. She looked down into his arms and smiled. Red handed the 1 year old girl towards her. "Hello my little Rey of sunshine." She whispered.

Red groaned just to annoy her. "I still can't believe you named her after a Star Wars character, and Dembe agreed with you!" He exclaimed.

Liz rolled her eyes, and when she heard the scurry of footsteps she handed Rey back over to her husband. "Well hello my little lion." The four year-old squealed at his mother's nickname. He knew that she would try to tickle him. "My name is Leo....the lion!" He roared and went over to the kitchen. His hands grabbed at the juice box setting on the table. "Where's your sister?" Red asked him. He shrugged and ran off to the play room. Red sighed. To many children to keep up with. Even though he knew exactly where his 5 year-old daughter would be. He checked the clock in the living room. The small hand was just passed the 8.

"I'll put them to bed." He offered.

She smiled and handed over the baby to him. "Would you? I'm exhausted." Red perked her eyebrows at her, he loved to tease her especially after a day at work.

"What, did Donald wear you out?"

She punched him in the shoulder and walked towards the bedroom. During her way she took off her heels then basically undressed in the hall leaving Red flabbergasted.

He grinned down at his daughter. "And that's what I call your mother." He said, even though Rey was already asleep. As he made his way up the stairs he picked up Leo's toys.

After making Leonardo have a bath; he kissed his head and shut off the light to his room. He found the light on in his eldest' daughter's room.

"Isabelle?" He knocked on the door.

"Yes Daddy?" She answered, he could hear the pages of her book turning. Unlike the other two children whose hair was already turning brown, Isabelle's was still a bleach blond. Her blue eyes looked up from her book as he walked into her room.

The color of the walls matched the ones of her eyes. "What book are you reading?"

"Harry Potter." She replied, still engrossed in her book. "Which one?" He questioned. She held the cover up to him. The Chamber of Secrets.

"What's it about?"

"Dad." She whined her blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail. "It's about a Chamber of Secrets. Use context clues."

"For a five year old you act like a teenager." He said for the tenth time today. "I'm in kindergarten." She reminded while flipping the page. He laughed; she was the same as he was when he was 5, except the seriousness.

"Daddy, you're staring again." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "You need to get some sleep." She huffed and put her book mark, saving her place. "Will you read me a story?" He nodded and chuckled when she ran towards her shelf. "What is it this time?" He asked pulling his glasses out his breast pocket. "Why do you wear suits, Daddy?"

"Because your father once was and still is a very important man." Liz said coming into her room. Isabelle vigorously patted her bed. Liz smiled and sashed over to them. "There's two people I want you to read their parts." She asked of them. They nodded and began.

As Red closed the door to his- no, their daughter's room Liz grabbed his hand. "I love you." She whispered. "You smell really good Lizzie."

His glasses were at the edge of his nose and Liz could them see them slip down slowly. "Raymond Reddington; push your glasses up." She commanded.

He laughed and did what he was told. Red pulled Liz into his arms and kissed her soundly. She tapped his chest when she heard the light switch of someone's room flick on.

"Leonardo go to sleep." Red said, already knowing who was awake. "You and Mommy were kissing, weren't you?" Red let the silence settle in. Leonardo groaned and turned the light off and they could hear his bed creak when he climbed back on it. "I love you, too, Lizzie."

"I'm glad you wrote those letters." She whispered up against him. "I love you so much." He murmured.

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