Chapter 6 Tom

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A/N: For some reason this song sort of reminds me of how Red is always there for Liz

All my life you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me.

"Liz.Psst, Liz.Over here."A man's voice hissed behind the column that her and Red had just passed.

For some reason the man's voice intrigued her, like it was almost familiar.Against her better judgement she decided to investigate.

"Hey Red, on second thought I have to go to the restroom."She lied backtracking.

He paused and looked at her, curiosity brimming in his face,"Go ahead I'll see you at the restaurant ."He says slowly.

She cautiously makes her way back seeming like she's going to the bathroom.Red finally goes inside. Being 11 o'clock at night , Liz was a little scared at all about turning around the column.

"Hello?"She whispers peering around the corner.

"Hello Liz, I missed you."A very very familiar face says.She's rendered speechless.


In the flesh, there he is; the imposter, lier, scoundrel, that invaded and stole 2 years of her life.

"What are you doing here?I though you left."She hissed.He looked surprised to be getting that reaction,"Well I was expecting a nicer greeting."He smirked.

By that time Red was impatiently thrumming his fingers along the table he had gotten for him and Lizzie, to have a 'casual' late dinner. He was getting so nervous he pulled out a burner cell and dialed her number. Strange, it went straight to voicemail.He decided to wait another minute before calling her.

3 minutes ticked by, he had called her two more times, and still no answer.

He jumped up, getting so anxious, he had to go check on her.He pulled on his coat and black fedora, and walked speedily out the diner door.

He looked around, there!He found her, but something was wrong, she had a hand to her face, and she was shaking, almost like she was crying. That made him stop dead in his tracks.Why was she crying?But then he saw a shadow; a man just above 6 feet, buzz cut, a strong lean stature.
He came back, the man he tried so got to get rid of.

Tom Keen.

He sprinted, something surprising for a man of his age.Running to her aid.

"Get the hell out of here!"He roared, startling Liz."Well well, here's your daddy figure here to save you Liz.I'm surprised you kept him around, after how much he's lied to you."He sneered.

Liz was getting tired of not saying anything,"When I found who you were, and what you've done, he was there and even though I was being dragged down he pulled me up!"She snarled.

"Well I can see I'm not welcome here."Tom spoke with fake sadness. "Just know Liz, when he breaks your heart again, I'll still be here."And with that he disappeared.

Lizzie broke down in sobs.Red barley catching her from hitting the ground.

"Shh...Shh, Lizzie breathe.Its all right now, I have you, he's gone."He murmured softly to her.His heart breaking every time she let out a rack-filled sob.He struggled setting her softly down on a bench near by, and pulling out his phone to contact Dembe.

Within five minutes Dembe pulled up and opened the door for his boss and Liz.She still sniffled softly into his shoulder on the way to his current safe house.

"Come on Lizzie."He murmured reaching for her, leading her up the stairs.She limped behind, to much of an emotional wreck to even walk properly."Are you hungry?"He asked her softly.She shook her head, he sighed, she still hasn't eaten.

"How about pancakes?"He joked trying to lighten the mood.But it only made her cry more, Tom had always made her pancakes when she was a mess."Soup?"She had agreed only to ease his concern.

He gave her his old navy sweatpants, and a simple shirt that Dembe offered them from his luggage.

It had been 15 minutes and Liz hadn't come out of the bathroom.Red gently knocked on the door only for her to fling herself into him.

Liz finally let it all out; Tom, Hudson, Sam, and her love for Red on his shoulder.He lead her over to the bed and tucked her in.He was getting ready to leave before he heard a broken voice beg,"Stay with me Ray."

It was the first time she had ever called him by his first name.He would have been sent into overdrive from all the happiness, but he couldn't, at least  not while she was like this.

He took of his hat, coat, and tie before climbing back next to her.She scooted back against him, so that he was spooning her.Both of their hearts fluttered being so close to each other.Soon enough she was almost asleep cuddled up next to him.

"I love you Lizzie."He whispers thinking she's fully asleep, but she's not.After that they both drifts to sleep soon after.

"Maybe one day I'll be what you need.But don't wait to long...Because the day you want me, may be the day I've finally given up."  -Anonymous

A/N: Guess who's going to an Ed Sheeran concert tonight????Super pumped!!!😀😀☺️☺️☺️👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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