Love At Last

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Red fiddled with his tie, his hands trembled. Samar had finally forced him to do it. What am I doing here? He checked his watch for the millionth time in the past 5 minutes.

10 minutes till 8.

He thrummed his fingers on the table, the faint glow of the restaurant lights were soothing. They made his heartbeat slow down. The door chimed and his head snapped towards it, but it wasn't his Lizzie. He gritted he teeth when the image of Tom flashed in his eyes.

Calm down. He reminded himself

The door chimed once again, his head turned more slowly. Liz strode in her eyes immediately caught his. He blushed that instant, she giggled at his nervousness. She was surprised; even shocked that she had that effect on him. After staying for a few more seconds Red got up to push her seat in.

His eyes bore into her for around a minute or so before she cleared her throat and gently squeezed his hand.

He jumped at the contact.

"So?" Liz began. "Hello Lizzie." He said. She smiled at him, his eyes seemed to be calming down. "Hello Ray. How did you know to come here?"

He shrugged, crossed his legs, and smirked. "Because you adore this restaurant." She scoffed. "Really? Last time I checked I didn't have a stalker." He laughed at this. "I don't stalk you, I just care about you, sweetheart." She blushed at the slight mention of sweetheart. "Does that make you uncomfortable?" He asked quickly, hoping he hasn't screwed up.

"No Ray; it doesn't."

They stayed until closing time talking about every aspect of the world. Which to a criminal and a profiler was a lot. As he walked her back to her motel his heart couldn't stop him.

He called her name and she spun


As Red lay in bed, but still knowing he'd only succumb to nightmares, he touched his lips. The letters weren't worthless. The letters had worked. He smiled and closed his eyes, the image of Lizzie kissing him replayed in his mind.

Well hello humans! It's been awhile, November 12th to be exact, almost three months. But hope you like it. There might be an epilogue.

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