Reassuring the Concierge of Crime

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Dear Elizabeth,

You are my sun and stars.I don't know how I survived without seeing your face everyday.I would hang the moons and stars for you...and only you.Your everything that I live for, your the light that shines into my cave.I thought I should have stopped this after the first letter, until I saw how happy you were after you got the first one.I miss that innocent smile that you had when you first came least more innocent than now.I think you'd like another clue.You like playing detective, that I do know, I have blond hair, that probably helps or maybe it doesn't.

Much love and admiration,

Your Secret Admirer

Samar smirked,"I like it Red, you know you'd make a pretty fair writer if you weren't a criminal mastermind."

Red laughs at this, the first time Agent Navabi has ever really heard him laugh.Not his laugh that is more of a mock."Well I think your not a bad editor Ms.Navabi."He compliments her.

"Well, when are you finally tell her?"She asks turning back to face him from the desk in his Bethesda apartment.

His face goes from joyful, to solemn, to worrisome, then finally tears start to prick in his dark blue eyes.

"I-I-I don't know, she'll probably hate me,"His voice cracks when he says hate.

Samar had never been one of those people who cared what other people were going through.

She smiles, they're like teenagers, "Raymond Reddington listen to me, as a friend, not just a coworker, and a ex-kidnapper.She loves you, I made her admit it to me a couple of weeks ago.She couldn't even focus when you were gone, she waited until the last day when she knew you would be back to do her paperwork.And when you brought her food she completely gushed over the simple kiss on the cheek you gave her,"Samar explained to him,"I promise she loves you and will absolutely love you more."

He blushed, so she had enjoyed the simple peck.Well she'll enjoy much more than that if they get married.

*Author wiggles eyebrows*

"I just...There's still a nagging in the back of my head.I haven't felt this way since I was in my 20's, I have these constant nightmares about her backing out, even worse dying.After my wife and dau-"

Samar cut him off.

"Stop worrying old man, you aren't getting any younger, go for it!Even if there is a 23 year old gap between you two.Just give me the letter I'll say somebody gave it to the geek squad and they passed it onto me."

He nodded,"Just let me get the envelope,"

Soon enough agent Navabi was on her way to pick up Aram so they could walk in together.

Aram scurried out of the small house and into her vehicle.

"Morning Sam,"He bounced cheerfully at her nickname.

"Good morning Mr.Mojtabai,"She winks cheekily."So..."He drawls,"I though maybe we could,uh-"He scratches his head in nervousness.

"Movies, Friday night, pick me up at 7.Pick any movie except for those romance drama films."She commanded.


"Good morning Keen, have a nice rest?"Cooper asked her.She smiled brightly at her father figure,"Yes sir.How's Charlene?"

He smiles politely back at her."Just fine, Riley just turned 15, so she's hanging on."He explained.

She nodded and headed off to give Ressler his Starbucks that he had requested.

"Man you sure do drink a lot of coffee."She points to Don's 3 empty mugs.

"Yeah, yeah.Whatever, so do you know who Reddington is gonna have for us?"He asks her slurping on his Macchiato.

"Donald!How many times do I have to tell you do not slurp!That's why you don't have yourself a lovely lady!"Red's deep voice booms through their office.

"Yep definitely a military man,"Ressler mumbles referring to his volume level.

"Morning Lizzie,"He chirps leaning up against the doorframe."Hurry up we'll have to met an asset soon, make sure to leave your badge here."He winks and with that he's off to talk to Aram.

"Ooo, somebody's flirty today Liz, I might try and pull a move."Ress teased, puckering up his lips.Don started making kissing noises, before Liz came and punched him in the arm.She shook her head in embarrassment,"Before you leave make sure to take care of yesterday's paperwork."She gave him a quick smile and went off the find Red.

"Never give up on someone you
can't go a day without thinking about." - Anonymous.

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