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I had a nasty habit of reading while I walked. One day, it had gotten me into a boatload of trouble.

I peacefully walked home without my scythe, he was dreadfully sick at home. I was reading, as I often do. I came to a crosswalk. I looked up to find that the light had just turned red and the walking light turned on. It was alright to cross, so I didn't look both ways, my mistake.

I started reading again, walking across the street. I didn't even hear it when the car started screeching. The car was desperately trying to stop. I heard the screeching and looked up to find a car screeching towards me. I gasped, pulling my book up to my face, trying to protect myself.

It didn't work.

My body was hit, I crumpled.

~The Next Day~(A/N: POV change)

I looked at the limp figure laying in the hospital bed. That body belonged to my meister. My eyes watered and I muttered, "Maka, I love you... I never got to tell you... Don't leave me. I- I wasn't there to protect you..." I started sobbing, "D-d-don't leave me."

I took her hand between both of mine. "Please." I whispered.

Her hand started to move. I looked up to her face, finding her eyes, fluttering open.

"Maka?" I gasped.

Her emerald eyes opened all the way. I was so happy that I jumped onto her, encasing her in a hug.

"Um.... sorry, but... Who are you?" She asked unexpectedly.

I pulled away from her, holding her shoulders. "Don't you remember me?"

She shook her head, confused.

"Uh oh." I muttered under my breath.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Part Two coming soon!



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